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 Looking for resources!

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Join date : 2011-01-13

Looking for resources! Empty
PostSubject: Looking for resources!   Looking for resources! EmptyTue Feb 22, 2011 2:32 pm


I am currently completing chapter 2 of my soon to be released comic book that is using public domain characters with some of my copyrighted and trademarked characters.

Here are some sample pictures from the NYCBM preview book...

Joe Badon is the artist and I'm the writer/creator.

I am using the following public domain characters:

Black Angel


Gun Master


The Spider

I am looking for more images of them and I am coming up with just the stuff from Wikia. Does anyone know of another spot that may have more images of these characters?
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Posts : 72
Join date : 2010-05-15
Age : 53

Looking for resources! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for resources!   Looking for resources! EmptyTue Feb 22, 2011 10:18 pm

Digital Comics Museum has plenty of free comic book files you can view online which contain appearances for the characters you mention.
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Looking for resources! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for resources!   Looking for resources! EmptyTue Feb 22, 2011 11:43 pm

bchat wrote:
Digital Comics Museum has plenty of free comic book files you can view online which contain appearances for the characters you mention.


The two really hard characters to get images of are Gun Master and Nightro. When my idea was more of was not big deal since I could describe it away. Now that I went graphic novel (18/66 Pages completed) it's been a journey getting images of these two.
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Posts : 72
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Age : 53

Looking for resources! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for resources!   Looking for resources! EmptySat Feb 26, 2011 2:41 am

Megazell wrote:
bchat wrote:
Digital Comics Museum has plenty of free comic book files you can view online which contain appearances for the characters you mention.


The two really hard characters to get images of are Gun Master and Nightro. When my idea was more of was not big deal since I could describe it away. Now that I went graphic novel (18/66 Pages completed) it's been a journey getting images of these two.

Hillman's Gun Master appeared in Clue Comics v1 issues 10-12, and v2 issues 1-3 (with two stories in issues 1 & 2).
Lev Gleason's Nightro appeared in Daredevil Comics issues 2-8.

That's all the appearances that I know of for those two characters. DCM has all the Daredevil issues but is missing the last two appearances of Gun Master.
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great dude

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Join date : 2011-01-02

Looking for resources! Empty
PostSubject: Real cool   Looking for resources! EmptySun Feb 27, 2011 11:06 am

Megazell wrote:

I am currently completing chapter 2 of my soon to be released comic book that is using public domain characters with some of my copyrighted and trademarked characters.

Here are some sample pictures from the NYCBM preview book...

Joe Badon is the artist and I'm the writer/creator.

I am using the following public domain characters:

Black Angel


Gun Master


The Spider

I am looking for more images of them and I am coming up with just the stuff from Wikia. Does anyone know of another spot that may have more images of these characters?
Wow,that is real cool,
When will it be released?
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Join date : 2011-01-13

Looking for resources! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for resources!   Looking for resources! EmptyThu Mar 03, 2011 12:44 pm

great dude wrote:
Megazell wrote:

I am currently completing chapter 2 of my soon to be released comic book that is using public domain characters with some of my copyrighted and trademarked characters.

Here are some sample pictures from the NYCBM preview book...

Joe Badon is the artist and I'm the writer/creator.

I am using the following public domain characters:

Black Angel


Gun Master


The Spider

I am looking for more images of them and I am coming up with just the stuff from Wikia. Does anyone know of another spot that may have more images of these characters?
Wow,that is real cool,
When will it be released?

Not 100% set on a date. I wrote this story years ago as a novel that was never published. I did a few local comic strips from HS, to College and later a local paper but this is my first rodeo with a full comic.

So far I scripted 66 pages which encompasses the main story of my character in his later years as a retired mask. So for 18 pages are drawn with some minor edits being made here and there.

I collect comics from dead universes so I wrote some of the characters I liked growing up reading from my dead universe collection.

I won a grant and so here I am. I would love to have this out by summer time since the book takes place in the summer of 77.

I like to make the cosutmes in RL also before I use the characters as they were in the comic. I made one for my main character. I am working on a Clock, Nightro and Black Angel costume to take some photos with.

If anyone knows any artists looking for work send them my way Smile I have a solid one with Joe Badon so far but I have some other stories I am working on also around this story and I am applying for another local grant.
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Posts : 7
Join date : 2011-01-13

Looking for resources! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for resources!   Looking for resources! EmptyThu Mar 10, 2011 12:51 pm

bchat wrote:
Megazell wrote:
bchat wrote:
Digital Comics Museum has plenty of free comic book files you can view online which contain appearances for the characters you mention.


The two really hard characters to get images of are Gun Master and Nightro. When my idea was more of was not big deal since I could describe it away. Now that I went graphic novel (18/66 Pages completed) it's been a journey getting images of these two.

Hillman's Gun Master appeared in Clue Comics v1 issues 10-12, and v2 issues 1-3 (with two stories in issues 1 & 2).
Lev Gleason's Nightro appeared in Daredevil Comics issues 2-8.

That's all the appearances that I know of for those two characters. DCM has all the Daredevil issues but is missing the last two appearances of Gun Master.

Thank you very much for your help.

Currently, I am wrapping up my page scripts for chapter 3.

After some investigation the public domain status of The Spider seems murky to me.

I wrote this really awesome dialog btw Nigthro, Clock and my own character that seems like a perfect fit. I can writer Spider in and out of it but for now I took him out until I get some conclusive info on him.
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