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 New Thor Movie! The Fox Golden Age version!

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New Thor Movie! The Fox Golden Age version! Empty
PostSubject: New Thor Movie! The Fox Golden Age version!   New Thor Movie! The Fox Golden Age version! EmptyFri Dec 02, 2011 6:49 am

Check out the trailer for the new indy Thor movie featuring the Golden Age Thor, Grant Farrel from the Fox Comics.
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New Thor Movie! The Fox Golden Age version! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Thor Movie! The Fox Golden Age version!   New Thor Movie! The Fox Golden Age version! EmptySat Dec 03, 2011 10:29 am

That looks pretty cool. I'm not 100% sold on the costume; it looks a bit more high-tech that I would normally envision for Thor. But it is a sharp outfit, nonetheless, and I really dig the hammer logo. It doesn't say, but I'm guessing this will be available on a direct-to-DVD release. I wouldn't mind picking it up if I get a couple extra bucks together...
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Florian R. Guillon

Florian R. Guillon

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New Thor Movie! The Fox Golden Age version! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Thor Movie! The Fox Golden Age version!   New Thor Movie! The Fox Golden Age version! EmptyMon Dec 12, 2011 3:27 am

The link does not point to the video. It links to recommended videos based on what I've seen instead. Could you please repost the link? Thanks.
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New Thor Movie! The Fox Golden Age version! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Thor Movie! The Fox Golden Age version!   New Thor Movie! The Fox Golden Age version! EmptyTue Dec 13, 2011 4:55 am

The link seems to work okay here in the US. Go to YouTube and search for, "Thunderstorm: The Return of Thor."

I agree Bard, he's a little too batman...they need more color in these character costumes. Black doesn't work for every hero...
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New Thor Movie! The Fox Golden Age version! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Thor Movie! The Fox Golden Age version!   New Thor Movie! The Fox Golden Age version! EmptyTue Dec 13, 2011 11:30 am

Meh, he looks way too much like Iron Man for my tastes. It looks as if he can only fire his thunderbolts with special tech gauntlets, so he doesn't look very godly to me. I like the idea of the movie, I just think the costume is wrong for an actual god. This Thor would work great as a standalone techhero.
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New Thor Movie! The Fox Golden Age version! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Thor Movie! The Fox Golden Age version!   New Thor Movie! The Fox Golden Age version! EmptyTue Feb 12, 2013 12:23 pm

I haven't had a chance to actually see this yet, but it IS available on Netflix as a "watch instantly" title. I'm hoping to get around to it in the next week or so, and I'll post a review if and when I do...
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New Thor Movie! The Fox Golden Age version! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Thor Movie! The Fox Golden Age version!   New Thor Movie! The Fox Golden Age version! EmptySun Aug 03, 2014 7:57 am

So, I saw "Thunderstorm" ages ago but never got around to writing a review. But here you go:

In short, this movie reminds me of the Golden Age comics it’s based on: fun, but obviously done on a budget and a bit lacking in execution (which, to be fair, is pretty much what I expected). Grant Farrell is a research scientist who has created a powerful suit of battle armor with just one small hitch: There's no viable way to power it (anything powerful enough is too large to be portable). Meanwhile, villains are trying to bring the evil goddess Hel to Earth. The good gods (including Thor) can't come to Earth in person, so Thor chooses Grant to be his avatar and invests him with his power. Grant realizes that his new powers will enable him to power and use the armor (which, in turn, will help him to control the powers that he's having trouble with). He hooks with with an attractive lady cop and sets out to stop the villains.

The armor doesn't look as high-tech as it’s supposed to be, but that's really difficult to do on a low budget. To be honest, I thought Hel's outfit looked better than Thor’s did, but the armor does make a decent costume (although it doesn’t really scream THOR to me).  The locations are a bit lacking; most of the important action (like the office at the police station) are just plain white rooms with minimal furniture. Well, to be fair, that’s not true of Grant’s super-high-tech lab. That’s just a CORNER of plain white room, with the most advanced battle armor ever created sitting on a table in the back, propped against the wall!

The special effects aren’t going to win any Oscars, but they aren’t bad, either. The script is fair, except for when the writer tries to be clever (Thor: “Oh, hell, no!” Hel: “Oh, Hel, yes!”  Me: “Geez, how long were you waiting to use THAT cheesy line?”). So, it’s not as good as, say, The Avengers, but I thought it was better than the original Dolph Lundgrun version of The Punisher. Bottom line, I can think of worse ways to blow an hour and half, and if you’re interested in PD heroes (especially Fox’s Thor) you’ll probably get a kick out of this. It’s basically visual junk food: easily forgotten a few hours later, but fun to consume at the time.
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