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 Alpha Danger Squad

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Join date : 2012-05-20

Alpha Danger Squad Empty
PostSubject: Alpha Danger Squad   Alpha Danger Squad EmptyTue Apr 30, 2013 4:24 am

I think I should make it official now that I am working on a game starring public domain Superheroes. It's gonna be called Alpha Danger Squad, and it's gonna be a side-scrolling beat-em-up/plataformer Alpha Danger Squad

I'm trying to see if there is any interest in the idea, though. Is anyone interested in a videogame starring Public Domain heroes? Which ones? Why do you think this has, as far as I know, not been tried before?
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Alpha Danger Squad Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alpha Danger Squad   Alpha Danger Squad EmptyTue Apr 30, 2013 6:06 pm

That is AWESOME Batcharro! My guess is that it has not been attempted before because the heroes are still a little obscure, and well, creating a video game takes a lot more know-how than the average fan has. So, it won't happen until someone with both the knowledge and the passion is ready to commit to it.

Do you have an idea of which characters you want to use? I think Amazing-Man is absolutely made for a fighting game. In later issues he was a superman, but in early issues, he was more of a martial arts fighter, who happened to be capable of becoming a green gas. His enemy, the Great Question, would be good as a big bad. In one issue, the Great Question operated a giant, cool-looking mech that would be a great boss.

If you're doing a side scroller (as opposed to a 1 v 1 fighting game), I'd use Amazing Man, Daredevil, Miss Victory and Moon Girl as the heroes, with these stages:

stage: Copper City (snake themed city), minions: Copperheads, boss: The Cobra (Ace)
stage: Crime Headquarters, minions: gangsters, boss: King Killer
stage: City Ruins, minions: Robots, boss: Cerebex
stage: The Moon, minions: Lunezons, boss: Jagga the Space Raider
stage: Voltor, minions: Green Empire Troopers, boss: The Green Sorceress
stage: Hidden Sanctuary, minions: Kung-Fu fighters, boss: The Great Question's Mech
stage: Claw's Castle, minions: Clawites and Claw's human slaves, boss: The Claw

If you were doing a 1 v 1 fighting game, I'd do:

Blue Bolt vs. Green Sorceress
Amazing Man vs. Great Question
Daredevil vs. Claw
Captain Battle vs. Iron Jaw
Captain Midnight vs. Jagga the Space Raider
Magno vs. Clown
Miss Victory vs. Cobra
Moon Girl vs. King Killer

With 2000 characters now listed on PDSH wiki, there are a LOT of possibilities.

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great dude

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Join date : 2011-01-02

Alpha Danger Squad Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alpha Danger Squad   Alpha Danger Squad EmptyThu May 09, 2013 7:57 am

Yeah,count me in,i want to see it happen.
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Alpha Danger Squad Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alpha Danger Squad   Alpha Danger Squad EmptyFri May 31, 2013 12:21 am

I don't know how I could have missed this.

Do you have an platform and engine in mind?
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Join date : 2012-01-15

Alpha Danger Squad Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alpha Danger Squad   Alpha Danger Squad EmptyFri May 31, 2013 4:21 am

Before you get too far into a MUGEN or Fighter Maker project, it is worth knowing that it more than likely possible to port openBOR to Adobe Flash.

C code can now be compiled into flash files.
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Alpha Danger Squad Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alpha Danger Squad   Alpha Danger Squad Empty

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