Interesting pic, Lantern. I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with this, but you asked for feedback, so here we go. Just keep in mind that, given my lack of artistic ability, I'm probably one of the worst people on the board to supply said feedback, and I'm not familiar with the character.
First of all, why the grey instead of keeping the green? Not that I LOVED the green, but it was part of the character, so I'm curious if you had a conscious thought process here, or if you just decided that grey would look good.
As to what I would do, it seems that SA used a lot of ray guns and gadgets, so I think I might give him holsters on each hip, and a bulky gadgety utility belt. I might try the outfit in green with red highlights to match the cape/mask. Not sure what else, but that's off the top of my head.