Your design is awesome. I love the colors and the design of the armor and the gown. I also like how the wings almost look like they're on fire.
Part of the backstory for my setting includes the return of several of the Proto-Indo-European gods, in their Germanic forms Wotan, Thor, and Tyr, and the formation of a Pan-Germanic Empire (called the Wotanreich) around them after the Martian invasion. In the early 1930s, the Wotanreich gets into a war with France and Russia, and as the war grinds on, Valhalla fills with the German war dead who, especially the officer corps, become fed up with what they perceive as dithering and incompetence by Odin and Thor. As a result, the dead aristocracy allies with the Valkyries and overthrow Odin in the Valhalla Putsch. They try to resume the war, but the empire falls apart. It turns out that its one thing for Swedes, Norwegians, Danes, Austrians, and Germans to band together under the leadership of Wotan, and quite another to follow a dead Erich Ludendorff!