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 I'm thinking of writing a Jenny Everywhere story...

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Posts : 6
Join date : 2017-01-21

I'm thinking of writing a Jenny Everywhere story... Empty
PostSubject: I'm thinking of writing a Jenny Everywhere story...   I'm thinking of writing a Jenny Everywhere story... EmptyWed Feb 01, 2017 10:11 am

I'm thinking of writing a Jenny Everywhere story (as i'd been fascinated with her ever since I discovered her), and maybe creating a few Open Source characters as well (i'd been fascinated with those, too). If any of you have any thoughts or suggestions, let me know Very Happy .
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Posts : 174
Join date : 2012-10-19
Age : 54

I'm thinking of writing a Jenny Everywhere story... Empty
PostSubject: Re: I'm thinking of writing a Jenny Everywhere story...   I'm thinking of writing a Jenny Everywhere story... EmptySun Jul 09, 2017 12:08 pm


I've been reading up on OS characters, and PD as well (I'm trying to create characters, a timeline and universe of my own), so please, share yours!

I had a very brief idea of what I wanted to do in a post about armored heroes I think it was. (Sort of an American/world based Sentai, but more mature in tone, without giant mech, at first lol)
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I'm thinking of writing a Jenny Everywhere story...
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