Here's a general question. Are all celebrities who are deceased considered Public Domain? I know most if not all Historical and US Government figures and institutions are fair game. What about dead celebrities?
I know Bettie Page (a personal favorite) has been used extensively, and even while she was alive. However that had to do with the fact the Government shut Irving Klaw's productions down and he went bankrupt. A large number of the negatives and films that weren't destroyed were owned by private collectors. These then were re-sold to various magazines of the time. Again, a number of THESE Men's magazines went under during the 1950's and early 1960's, so anything with Ms. Page's likeness became PD.
However, what about recently deceased celebrities? I know some bands for instance may use a stock photo of say Jerry Garcia. Is that legal? How recent does the celebrity's death have to have been before anyone can use their image? Or, are all celebrities "fair game"? I know you can parody a celebrity with their likeness, but what about selling merchandise with his or her likeness? Any input in any form is appreciated.