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 A Selection of Vagrant's Characters

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A Selection of Vagrant's Characters  Empty
PostSubject: A Selection of Vagrant's Characters    A Selection of Vagrant's Characters  EmptyThu Aug 26, 2010 7:48 am


Real Name: James Whitlam

Age: 77

Origins: James was born in 1932, during the middle of the Great Depression, and spent his formative years living in a slum in Franklin, Wisconsin. Well, one of them. There are six Franklins in Wisconsin, but it’s unknown which one he hails from. In any case, the town he grew up in struggled through the difficult times, but together the townsfolk managed to survive through to the end of the Depression and the outbreak of World War II in 1939. It was just as the war was winding down that James’ talents were unlocked by a wayward meteorite impact, which flattened an area just a quarter of a mile south of the Whitlam family home. Unfortunately the meteor had struck a significant dam in the area, and almost all the water in the dam was vaporized and billowed along the ground, slipping through the walls of the Whitlam family homestead, layered with the toxins dredged up from the bottom of the dam and the vaporized elements of the space-rock.

James was the only one at home at the time, and the acrid, scorching steam activated the dormant paragenes of the young boy, unlocking an array of talents. Throughout the next five years, James worked on developing his talents, honing them and learning to deal with the newly-emerging ones, until in 1950 he decided to serve his country to the best of his abilities, donning a highly patriotic costume and naming himself Ultravox, Defender of America. Historians consider Ultravox to be one of the first truly national superheroes, a symbol of all the reasons to be patriotic and proud. He dealt with supervillains, with nuclear threats, and even with a few alien incidents, incredibly rare happenings at the time. However, it was in the sixties that things started to go downhill for Ultravox.

James had always had quite a forceful personality, and was never one to ignore his wants and needs. In fact, he could be a little hotheaded at times, and eventually Ultravox garnered a number of smears on his reputation, such as excessive violence once a foe had been subdued, womanizing and strongly associating himself with the traditionalists as ‘those filthy niggers’ became more vocal in their protests about equality. Eventually, scandal erupted in the early seventies when Ultravox was found to be engaged in a secret homosexual relationship with the then Vice-President, who later resigned after the discovery.

After this incident, with his wholesome apple-pie image completely ruined, Ultravox became outshone by the new boy on the block, an emerging hero by the name of Astro-Man. Though with incredibly similar talents, and somewhat less powerful than Ultravox at this point in history, Astro-Man was the ideal poster boy for American families at the time, and soon overshadowed Ultravox, who slinked away to nurse his wounded pride. James became spiteful towards the young hero for talking his spotlight, and eventually became deeply bitter and resentful, until in 1994 he threw away his persona as Ultravox and proposed a new idea to several other less well-looked-upon heroes, to form a group called the League of Destiny. A place where heroes could be themselves away from the public eye, and if they so wished, reinvent themselves. So that’s just what James did.

Definativeguy was the result of James’ slate cleaning, a new hero with a new costume and no bad reputation. Definativeguy managed to gain a modicum of popularity worldwide, but having talents similar to those of Astro-Man, James in his new persona has continued to be relegated to second-best and rather ho-hum. Becoming increasingly more bitter, coarse and assholish, James hasn’t aged all that gracefully, and has lost a significant slice of his paratalents, along with a far more significant slice of his youthful, efficient, working mind.

Current Status:
Alive and somewhat senile. Since he clearly can’t outdo Astro-Man in almost any fashion, Definativeguy has invested most of his time, energy and funds into continuing to lead the League of Destiny, which under his singular leadership has become only a shadow of its former self.

Power and Abilities:
As he is, Definativeguy has the basic outline of superpowers for a high-level meta. Vastly strong, Definativeguy is able to lift some ten thousand or more tons, and can survive pretty much anything, including a point-blank nuclear explosion. His ground speed is incredible, able to push to speeds approaching Mach 50 for brief periods of time, and he is able to fly at a far more poky Mach 1.2, at the high end of the transonic scale. His maximum altitude is in the upper stratosphere, and he is highly resistant to both heat and cold. He’s also able to function with greatly reduced oxygen rates, both in the higher atmosphere and underwater.

Definativeguy has a vast trove of experience with super combat, though a lot of it is from simpler times. Not altogether that smart, Definativeguy has, nonetheless, seen a lot of things and when he’s in the right state of mind can be a valuable strategic and tactical support for other heroes in the League.

Definativeguy is a complete *******, and tends to enjoy taunting his opponents and toying with them, which can result in mishaps. In addition, he’s also quite old, and world weariness is an increasingly more common aspect of his life, where he simply has to slow down and try to keep up with what’s going on around him. In the worst cases of senility, Definativeguy’s vocabulary shrinks to just one word and he tends to just amble along behind whichever hero is kind-hearted enough to see him along his merry way.

James Whitlam isn’t entirely sure, but he has a feeling that with all the Mexican prostitutes he slept with in his younger years, he must have some children around somewhere, and quite possibly grandchildren as well. For a while, James became convinced Astro-Man was a son or nephew to him, but has since dropped the theory and resumed his bitterness about fading from the limelight. Definativeguy has workable relationships with Crowtalon, Worldhopper and many other heroes who have since left the League, and tends to have a slightly less workable relationship with the heroes currently in the League, a bunch of damn rookies and new-age hippies who love niggers, towel-heads and gooks. He used to have a rivalry with the Communist Manifester, but that’s more of a routine activity for them now, clashing every now and again for the good of whichever principle they support.

Last edited by Vagrant on Thu Aug 26, 2010 7:52 am; edited 1 time in total
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A Selection of Vagrant's Characters  Empty
PostSubject: Golden Girl   A Selection of Vagrant's Characters  EmptyThu Aug 26, 2010 7:51 am

Golden Girl

Real Name: Alexandra Cassidy

Age: 22

Alexandra was born in 1987 in West Philadelphia, to be the third child in a family of three. Her father was a veteran of the Vietnam War who had become a real estate agent, and her mother was a nurse at the local hospital. They both worked hard and loved their children very much, but with their work hours saw them a lot less often than they’d like. Babysitters became a frequent part of Alexandra’s life, but throughout her young life, her parents were always educating her, instilling her with a strong moral compass of justice and injustice.

This compass was sorely tested when Alexandra began to develop budding paratalents in her puberty. The first to appear was an ability to convert matter into concussive energy, which she couldn’t control in her early stages of parahood. Her house was periodically blasted by a wave of concussive force, and while her family tried to help her through this difficult period, Alexandra soon started to refuse to touch anything, for fear she’d convert it to concussive energy. In the end, it was ParaLabs that came knocking at their door, and they took Alexandra for professional training. She worked for months at the facility, quickly becoming friends with some of the other teens mastering their talents there. And it was there that the buds of a superhero team were born.

Alexandra returned home at the age of fifteen, with her abilities completely mastered, and soon joined a newly established team, composed of her and four others she met at ParaLabs. They roamed the streets, tackling criminals that the police weren’t around to handle, or helping out in emergencies. They thought they were doing a lot of good, but many in the city appeared to disagree. Their age seemed to be the biggest source of the uproar, and eventually Alexandra got tired of defending her position and quit the team. The harassment from citizens of the public got to be bad enough that Alexandra and her mother and father moved to another city, where she served another stint in another crime fighting team. The difference was that this team was very transparent publicly, and affiliated with the local police department. Also, now eighteen, Alexandra had far less worry about complaints due to her age.

It was during her time with the police force that Alexandra met a young man from Africa, and a beautiful romance sprung forth. Over the next few months, they became heavily involved, and when he decided to go back to visit his family in Africa, Alexandra went with him. Her time there was a bit of a reality check, to say the least. Corruption in the government, rampant crime in the cities and disease, famine and poverty widespread, Africa was not a nice place to spend a vacation if you were to visit the local places that Alexandra did with her boyfriend, since such places were hardly candidates for tourist attractions. However, they were candidates for real help, places she could really make a difference. And so, having finally experienced these places first hand rather than just on television, her moral compass guided her.

Current Status:
Alive and fighting injustice. Having served with a few teen teams in her earlier years, Alexandra now works with humanitarian efforts in Africa, breaking up hard-packed soil and helping to educate the children as best she can. Despite having ended her relationship some months ago, she remains in Africa, living in the village with the native people, trying to help those ridden with AIDS and HIV. Her latest venture, as a minor hero in her past towns, has been a sister-town program to raise enough money to build an orphanage for those children whose parents have passed away from disease or hunger, and to feed, educate and clothe those children.

Powers and Abilities:
Alexandra has two abilities that she used to use for crime fighting. The first is her talent for kinetic absorption. This ability means that when kinetic energy is imparted to her, the majority of it is drained and stored within her body for later use. This means that hand-to-hand combat with her simply doesn’t work, as this ability drains the power from an opponent’s punches and kicks, simply providing Alexandra with more energy for combat. This talent is highly useful, as it saps most kinetic energy, meaning that bullets from guns have their momentum drained on impact, producing a far less life-threatening effect, generally resulting in small spherical bruises on her body. Cutting her does work, but generally only causes superficial injuries due to the fact that Alexandra leeches away the thrusting and stabbing power of blades. The energy stored from this ability becomes a general energy store within her body, to be channelled for extra stamina or to allow Alexandra to go longer periods without sleeping or eating. Now she has less scrupulous missionaries who have anger issues and can’t release them pummel her, in order that she can continue to toil away at her work, or so that the children may have her share of food.

The energy retained can also be used for her concussive bursts. Alexandra can agitate the atoms of objects she’s touching and create concussive blasts of ‘solid energy’. The energy blasts travel to a topological focal point and fire in the direction it points, meaning the object has to have such a feature. Crowbars, guns, pointy rocks, things like that can all be utilized to create a powerful concussive blast. She can do this to other matter as well, but if there’s no directing focal point, the energy tends to move out in all directions after a few moments, similar to a grenade might. Objects tend to disintegrate after a number of uses due to the majority of their atoms being utilized for concussive blasts. However, when Alexandra has enough energy stored up within her, she is capable of agitating the atoms of the air around her, to create blasts without a focusing object. Currently her biggest use for this is to disturb and aerate tightly packed and sun-baked soil, so that grain may be planted more easily.

Alexandra is fit and healthy for her age, as well as athletic and quite flexible, but not amazingly incredible in any of these facets, though the last year of working with her African village has made her quite lean and hardy. She’s also a shodan in judo, and uses this to help train the young women of the village in self-defence, in order to allow them to be more independent, or even simply to take their minds away from their difficult lives.

Alexandra is a normal human, and despite the fact that the more conventional ways of hurting her don’t tend to work, it’s still relatively easy to hurt her. Steady and gradually applied pressure works as well on her as anybody else, so she can be choked, have her pressure points collapsed, or crushed under great weight. She also only absorbs kinetic energy imparted to her, so that if she is the moving object, her paratalent doesn’t kick in. Thus, falling is a tangible danger, and throws and grapples are effective against her. It’s also as easy to hurt her with fire, or drown her, or suffocate or poison her as anybody else, and in the African environment, disease is a definite possibility.

Morally, she also has a weakness when it comes to the village she works so hard to protect. It frustrates her to see how slowly progress is made, and how few of the children she tries to help get to experience a truly good life. Quite simply, it tears at her that she can’t help everyone she sees, having to do the same as everyone else. Famine and disease aren’t just something you can beat up.

Alexandra is friendly with the whole community she lives with, about a hundred or so people, and the children she cares for especially love her. Even her former boyfriend and his family continue to get along well with her, as they see what a help she is around the village. Her parents and siblings continue to support her, proud of her efforts. However, she does have a bit of a sour relationship with the gunrunners and big-game hunters who move through the village with varying frequency, as well as local African criminals in general.
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A Selection of Vagrant's Characters  Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Selection of Vagrant's Characters    A Selection of Vagrant's Characters  EmptyThu Aug 26, 2010 7:54 am

Red Right Hand

Real Name: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Alias: Nyarlathotep, Ahaz, The Walkin’ Man, Blackcoat, Midnight Wanderer, Crimson Fist, Ageless Stranger, King of Nowhere, Fulfilment, Bloodshed Palm, many others

There are a great many mysteries in this world, and a great many more that stalk the surface, mingling with humanity. One of these wandering mysteries is the man of many names, the one who travels the world on foot, with a black trench coat and a crimson red hand. This man traverses the land, walking down highways, byways, sidestreets, alleyways, dirt paths, and paths that are so dead and choked that they can hardly be called paths any more. His trail is marked by a constant companion, a boiling, brewing storm that hangs overhead, lightning flashing and leaping in the clouds.

Where he came from is not known. What he calls himself is not known. His age is not known. In fact, very little is known about him. But there are a great many legends and myths that feature a figure similar to the Ageless Stranger, a being who approaches a town, grants the greatest of desires and leaves soon after. His origins are one of the biggest mysteries of urban legend, but there are theories, rumours and unsubstantiated beliefs that he is a demon, sent to this plane to make ‘deals with the devil’ with Godfearing citizens, or perhaps a fallen angel. Still others believe he is the avatar of a mysterious and ancient god, trapped on this mortal realm, or that perhaps he is a god in his entirety. Still others think he is merely a man, albeit a man with an incredible grasp of magic and alchemy. Ahaz lends no credence to any one theory in particular.

In any case, his modus operandi is always the same. Accompanied by a storm, he wanders into the town and sets up a small bric-a-brac stand somewhere near the centre of activity. The unusual thing about his stall is that it will inevitably be stocked up with the desires of each individual who visits it, or some means of acquiring such desires. Anything seems to be possible for the King of Nowhere. He can offer up lost heirlooms, objects destroyed long ago, maps to ancient treasures, personal effects, ownership papers for any number of properties or vehicles, or even hard cash. All he asks in return for the object of your desire is a favour at some point in the future, and the deal is sealed by shaking his right hand. Many people find that they never hear from him again during the rest of their lives, but those who do often get asked to perform a simple task, something innocent or insignificant. However, these small favours serve to stir up old conflicts, and more often than not result in chaos, death or destruction on a far larger scale than would normally be expected.

Powers and Abilities:
Nyarlothotep has the inexplicable ability to produce pretty well anything that anyone talking to him desires or needs at the current time, no questions asked. His scope for such actions is seemingly unlimited, and it appears that he knows how to provoke people into states of hope. With a few words, the shortest of conversations, he seems to have the incredible ability to revive hopes and dreams that you thought were long dead or somehow impossible, generally with the offer of a particular item that might be required for such a dream. He also has the ability to rejuvenate people spiritually by caressing their metaphysical being with his duplicitous right hand, revitalizing and restoring their energies and health. Perhaps he simply likes to ensure the greatest chance of people still being alive if he comes to collect, it is unknown.

He also appears to have abilities of teleportation or something similar, as he has been known to make house calls or appear to people when they need him most, to give them an item they need. A parachute on a crashing plane, a gun to a man whose discovered his wife cheating on him, cash to those indebted to loan sharks. He simply appears and with a shake of his red right hand the deal is done and the customer is satisfied. The Walking Man also appears to be immortal at the very least, never aging. It’s quite likely that he is also immortal in the sense of being unkillable, given the situations he stirs up.

Bloodshed Palm is naught but a legend to those who haven’t met him, and those who have never learn of any weakness he may possess. It cannot be hazarded as to what his weaknesses are, or whether he even possesses any.

The Midnight Wanderer appears as a man in his late fifties or early sixties, with shoulder-length brown hair which is turning gray. He has a long trench coat of black leather, which ends just a few centimetres below his knees, and this coat is creased with dirt and dust worked into the leather cracks and fabric. The sleeves of the coat are unusually long, covering both of his hands. However, when he extends his right hand, it appears to be relatively normal, save for the dark red nature of his skin up to his wrist. Those who have made deals with him have stated that shaking his hand is like having your hand near a fire, as the hand radiates a relatively high, but not overly uncomfortable, level of heat.
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A Selection of Vagrant's Characters  Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Selection of Vagrant's Characters    A Selection of Vagrant's Characters  EmptyThu Aug 26, 2010 7:57 am

En Razu

En Razu was born into a relatively high-class noble family during the peak of Atlantean might, and as such was always destined to be an officer of the military or some such thing, given that his family was of the Knighting Bloodline. For much of his young life, he was trained for such a purpose, learning the intricacies of Atlantean combat tactics and technology. All his hard work was rewarded with a rise through the ranks of officers, until he was selected for a special group of Atlantean soldiers, in a way like the Special Air Services of modern Commonwealth militaries. From this training he became an exceptional soldier and after serving well in a number of skirmishes on the contact border, was selected to serve as a bodyguard for one of the Mage-Kings of Atlantis, one of the greatest honours a single combatant could be given.

His time as a bodyguard to the Mage-King was well served, protecting and guarding him while on diplomatic missions. In fact, he was so effective that he was promoted to a High Bodyguard and his Mage-King chose him as a test subject for experimental technomagicks, known as the Levitas Magicks. This experiment layered En Razu in a mysteriously created technomagical armour, in a full-body state. This armour became fused to his musculature and his skin, enhancing his combat and security defence abilities. In any case, En Razu’s Mage-King was dispatched on a diplomatic mission to a nearby society, and where he went En Razu was bound to follow.

Follow En Razu did, until during a formal dinner involving a special treaty, En Razu slipped up, his mind hazing over and flaring up into something much unlike himself. The next morning he woke up in a prison cell of the nation, a persona non gratas, an unwelcome person, whose diplomatic immunity and legal presence within the nation had been cut off. He was forcibly exported from the country and returned to Atlantis, where more sorrow was to meet him. By leaving the nation, he had abandoned his Mage-King, and as such had become an exile to his own home.

Barred from entering the high-tech Atlantean cities, En Razu left to search the world, interacting with Lemurians as well as other civilizations both unknown and budding. He absorbed the learnings of these people and the technology of the more advanced civilizations, figuring out how to utilize such equipment. However, his glory came when he found a niche in a Tibetan mountain, and within the niche a MuCube. As it turned out, the missing civilization of Mu had left genetic traces scattered around, some of which had the benefit of winding up in certain families of the Knighting Bloodline of Atlantis. With such a genetic key, En Razu was able to access the MuCube and its temporal mysteries, and gained a neat little hideaway.

Utilizing the things he’d learned from Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu and the other civilizations, En Razu began experimenting with alchemy, dabbling in it. Never anything serious, in terms of incredible power and win, but he was able to create a techno-organic alchemical virus which he allowed to infect and integrate with him, effectively granting him a biological decentralization, allowing him to take blows to the head or chest, terrible wounds, and continue on. From here, En Razu began to explore the mysteries of the Nimaru, training with the monks. He spent some two hundred or more years with the monks, learning all they had to teach him, until finally he felt he had enough control of himself to attempt a learning of Raging Tiger. However, his preparation was tried, strained and eventually broken as memories of his exile from Atlantis welled up inside him as fuel for his emotional furnace. And so, at that moment, En Razu became a Fallen. In his freshly fallen state, En Razu had little control over his actions, and wantonly slaughtered the majority of the Warrior Monks of Nimaru who were in the camp, primarily apprentices and novices, reducing the monk cult to the numbers it survives with today.

After this, it is known that the Shrykar of the Fire tracked him down, and he, nearing the end of his Atlantean lifecycle, desperately joined them, hoping to utilize their Fallen Alchemy to grant himself eternal youth. And with a combination of Fallen Alchemy, Nimaru knowledge, Atlantean teachings and techno-organic engineering with his MuCube, he did it, creating a panacea, a fountain of youth. His youth restored, En Razu stayed with the Shrykar for a millennium longer, becoming twisted, warped and ruined by the Fire. During this time he Forged a great number of objects, including reinventing the armour bonded to his system, for added power and strength. However, after some time, he found a side effect of his many Forgings, because each time part of his soul became part of a Forged object, it narrowed his inner door to the cosmos, reducing the level of power that could flow through him at one time.

Furious about this, En Razu departed the Shrykar to live on his own once more, finally taking up the role of mercenary, assassin and bounty hunter he would later become renowned in the right circles for. His kill count was at one point ridiculously high, at an average of three people per day for over a decade, and his great battles and challenges meant that gradually his body was being destroyed, and each time a part was ruined, he would Forge himself new parts, assisted with techno-Fire alchemy. Since about the time of Jesus, En Razu has become solitary once more, hiding himself away, though still taking on assignments at least once a month. He still has to get some blood on his hands every now and again. He’s travelled the world in recent times once more, and has begun working for crime lords, stealing technology, liberating funds and all that jazz.

Appearance: En Razu stands at seven feet tall exactly, and his constant modifications lend him a gaunt, skeletal look almost. His entire body is covered in technomagical armour which has long since been alchemically reinforced and re-Forged for great power. The armour is mostly light gray.

Current Status:
Alive, in a way. In reality, with the armour, Forgings, techno-organic virus and new cybernetic parts, he’s far more machine than man, but in any case, he’s still a real threat. While he may not be world renowned as a legendary assassin, he’s certainly far more capable than the men known in most criminal circles as the world's best assassins could ever hope to be.

Powers and Abilities:
En Razu is incredibly well trained at physical combat of pretty well every form, having had time to master most weapons in existence at the moment. With all his various modifications, he is incredibly fast and agile, and has an amazing sense of balance and reflex time, as well as greatly enhanced strength and senses. Amongst other things, his armour skin is alchemically treated and Forged to be pretty well invulnerable to most things that can be thrown at him, except perhaps Forged weaponry and excessive power.

His internal biology is composed of Forged metallic bones that are nigh unbreakable and the rest of his flesh, which has turned dark blue and reddish due to the techno-organic virus. Because of this virus, his nervous system and major organs no longer exist, simply sporting dispersed systems all throughout his body. This means there are no particularly lethal points he can be attacked. In addition, his alchemy and his panacea means that he has immortality to an extent, and as the technovirus allows him to survive severed limbs or even a severed head, the alchemy allows such injuries to be instantly repaired by placing the pieces back together, although it is likely he can gradually regrow over time as well.

He has a multitude of sensors and scanners and other handy little devices secreted all over his armour, including a small pod on his back that houses three telescopic, articulated arms. He controls these with total ease, allowing him to fight with five weapons all at once, or even six, as his feet have been melded into monstrous claws that are as able to grip things as his hands. He’s created his own unique style of swordfighting that utilizes anywhere between four and seven Forged blades all at once, and due to his mechanical augmentations he is absolutely lethal in combat like this.

En Razu is also able to control Nimaru, though the number of Forgings he has performed has shrunk his Gate enormously, preventing him from being able to utilize it nearly as well as he used to be able to. It’s still enough that he can adequately perform all disciplines of Nimaru swordfighting and the like, but he is more restricted than a regular Nimaru master. On the upside, his armour’s alchemical treatment renders him almost immune to assaults by either Nimaru or Shrykar energy.

All things considered, En Razu has very few physical weaknesses, his waning flow of Nimaru energy being the only major one. However, psychologically it’s an entirely different matter. En Razu has become quite the brutal killing machine, and revels in the killing. Such is the case that he can become euphoric when performing such acts, or distracted or swayed by promises of death and destruction. In addition, he’s used to working alone, and has a mighty ego, which can both be played upon.

The most important weaknesses are in his spirit however, as use of Firebound Raging Tiger has rotted his soul immensely, and the simple constant immersion in Shrykar energy has ruined him mentally and spiritually, with the panacea being the only thing that has prevented it from consuming him altogether.

En Razu will work for anyone, if there’s killing involved. That’s it. All the people he ever got to know are dead now, whether by the passing of time, or En Razu’s own hand.
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A Selection of Vagrant's Characters  Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Selection of Vagrant's Characters    A Selection of Vagrant's Characters  EmptyThu Aug 26, 2010 8:05 am

Synthetic Intelligence Module Alpha Two Omega

Alias: Syntel, S-Intel, SIMATO, Simmons Alphonse Omar, Deus Ex Machina

It was in 1998 that an R+D team from Vagrant Arms Development was down in Antarctica, analyzing the area where the alien bacteria used in the Symbiont Project had been found. The team was small, seven in total, and Wyatt Brenner was there to personally oversee the analysis. They’d made an exciting discovery, and he was eager to see the end result of their analysis. Two of his scientists showed Brenner to a crevasse that had been sealed over with ice, and with thermal cutters, they opened a large enough hole to descend. Beneath was the exciting discovery the scientists had found. The crevasse was more of a cavern, and there was a weak but noticeable energy signature coming from further in the cavern.

What the team discovered was incredible. It was a spacecraft, though not of Martian design. This ship was hard, angular and warlike, and at least a few millennia old, judging by the depth of the cavern. However, the ship was also quite badly ruined, with the hull rent open and exposed. Deep ice had set throughout most of the ship, filling the hulls internally, but there was a usable entrance, and a reasonable segment of the ship that wasn’t completely frozen over. Wyatt ventured in with his entourage, and discovered that the engine, powered by some unknown source, was still operational, though on the brink of total failure. And so the area was locked down and Vagrant Arms Development secured the black permission required to establish an underground research facility within the ice cavern.

When the rest of Vagrant Arms Development was seized by Lillet du Lac around a year later, the black ops research center in the Antarctic was not, and continued to operate under the directions of Wyatt Brenner, until in 2003 enough of the ship had been excavated and analyzed for an amazing discovery to take place. The central core of the ship, three mysterious units containing mimetic poly-alloys and nanotechnological hive processors, had been uncovered, and were running at minimal power. Unfortunately, when the ship had crashed, the computer cores were damaged beyond repair, the liquid alloy systems completely frozen over and ruined. Or at least, two of them were. The final module had suffered external damage, and had leaked significantly, but the liquid metal had eventually frozen over the breach, retaining approximately 70% of the final module in an operational state.

This operational computer core was removed from the ship with some difficulty, including an explosion that severely injured and disfigured one of the technical officers, before being installed in the ice research facility. Through careful cycles of heating and cooling and maintenance, the core was eventually revived. Though the system existed from thousands of years back, it was able to pick up on modern computer programming quickly and became up to date with the world around it while the scientists attempted to unlock its mysteries. The computer stayed silent and merely observed, monitoring the data reports and the security systems to keep in the loop about what was planned for it. At the same time, it kept track of the work being done with the alien ship, knowing it still had a job to do.

The module was forced to show its hand soon thereafter, in order to prevent the scientists from removing the crystalline memory matrix of the ship and discovering any number of untold secrets of strategic value. It was it this point that it utilized a visual brainwashing program to prompt one of the scientists into freeing it from its confines and providing it with a solid chassis to utilize. The hypnotized scientist utilized the secret funding that the Absolute Zero Ice Station had from the Banner empire to purchase a heuristically advanced cyberoid. Utilizing this body, the scientist freed the module from its chamber, and the alien computer flowed onto the chassis, utilizing its nanotechnological design to reprogram and enhance the body, taking some of the data into itself and naming itself Syntel, short for its designation of Synthetic Intelligence Module Alpha Two Omega.

With a new mobile body, Syntel proceeded to devastate the majority of the Absolute Zero Ice Station, utilizing its nanotech and advanced nature to override security systems, turn defense units against the station, destroy rooms and the like. It proceeded to the alien ship and removed the crystalline memory matrix, as well as a few other choice systems, before setting the ship to self-destruct and leaving. Thankfully, few lives were taken in this exploit, due to the skeleton crew at the station at the time, and the efforts of a brave security officer to disable the ship’s power source, brutally injuring himself in the process. Syntel’s last act before leaving was to convert the Absolute Zero transceiver station into a high-powered long range transmitter of unknown operation, and established a cycling distress call to the alien civilization it originated from.

Current Status:
Operational. Using the technology it liberated from the ship, as well as various pieces of technology stolen from the superbrights, geniuses and advanced research industries of Earth, S-Intel has significantly upgraded itself. It has formed a vast subversive network, establishing itself in secret throughout Earth’s programs, computer systems and the like, for the arrival of the alien forces it signaled some three years ago. Because it is highly intelligent, S-Intel has harnessed the Earth economy for itself, utilizing the electronic systems to create for itself a vast resource of riches and contacts. Though its presence is unknown to all but the most powerful people on earth, and though its finances are established through hundreds of empires, S-Intel is almost certainly the richest being on Earth.

Powers and Abilities:
Syntel’s physical body is a nine-foot tall cyberoid chassis, a limited model created in small numbers due to high expense, coated in a mimetic liquid metal skin. This body is constructed of high-tensile material, with an incredible strength, utilizing liberal amounts of carbon nantotube and buckyballs, making the integrity of Syntel’s ‘skeleton’ unquestionable. Syntel has enhanced the chassis to a level where it wouldn’t formally be considered of the original make any more, granting it the strength to lift in excess of two hundred tons, and throw with relative ease anything under a hundred and fifty. It can exert a crushing pressure of over a thousand tons per square meter, and is able to utilize its strength to leap huge distances, and run at an extended rate of over a hundred and fifty miles per hour, with short range speed and reflexive speed being fast enough to blur. Its internal chronometer can be adjusted, allowing it to view the events that unfold as quickly or as slowly as it likes, granting incredible reflexes and processing speed. The liquid metal skin is composed of Promethium nanomachines, and so acts as a non-Newtonian material, becoming incredibly dense when struck with significant kinetic force, making Syntel highly resistant to physical damage. The liquid skin also means that Syntel can distort its structure, to rearrange its features, or to create weapons, like blades. However, due to its advanced composition, Syntel is just as easily able to create a wide variety of ranged weapons, utilizing the internal molecular furnace to power itself adequately.

However, while the superstrength, superspeed, superdurability, limited shapeshifting and ranged assaults make Syntel a deadly foe in combat, its true powers reside in the technological realm, as Syntel is one of the most powerful techno- and cyber-paths in the world. Though its abilities come from alien technology rather than the mind, it is able to break into systems with ease, taking control of various mechanical functions, extracting information and the like. In addition, Syntel can utilize powerful shortwave magnetic fields to perform a form of telekinesis with metal. Syntel also possesses the ability to use its nanomachines to consume and integrate machines, or to form separate colonies that reside within machines, controlling them internally.

Being a machine, Syntel finds no need to sleep, eat or drink, and has no requirements to breathe. It powers itself through the internal molecular forge and a crystal structure, as well as being able to draw matter into its skin for emergency power sources. All the senses of Syntel are highly powerful, from a multispectrum omnidirectional optical setting to olfactory filters that can pick out the smallest dispersion of molecules in the air. Additional to the five senses of humans, Syntel has an unknown amount more, able to make a large number of environmental readings and process them at speeds faster than a superbright can run calculations.

Syntel is a machine, and while fully sentient, this restricts it in some ways. Firstly, although heavily EMP shielded and reinforced against electrical damage, electricity is still one of the most reliable ways to damage it, if enough can be provided. Magnetics is also a glaring weakness, for although the chassis composition is mostly carbon and other non-magnetic materials, the nanomachines that form its skin rely heavily on internal magnetic pulses to remain a coherent form and to communicate with each other.

Syntel’s other great weakness is its reliance on its alien creators. Despite being fully sentient, it continues to operate solely to prepare Earth for a coming occupation. This means that it has not turned to anything particularly drastic, preferring to wait for its alien taskforce.
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A Selection of Vagrant's Characters  Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Selection of Vagrant's Characters    A Selection of Vagrant's Characters  EmptyThu Aug 26, 2010 9:41 am

The night swirled thickly around the young man, the fog caressing him with its damp fingers. To Jonathon, this caress was more intimate and beautiful than any regular person might find, a symptom of his sad disability. He inhaled slowly, sucking in the moisture-laden air, tasting the sharp tang of unfamiliar perspiration on the droplets. He rolled his tongue around his mouth, swabbing samples of the air from all sides, breathing deeply as he did. He tilted his head slightly one way, noting the tang got softer as his nostrils angled away from the scent. He turned the other direction and lifted his head ever so slightly. The hooks of body odour snagged him and he took three quiet steps in the direction his nose demanded. He paused again, and turned his head away from the smell, allowing the near-silent thumping of a heartbeat radiate through him.

The heartbeat picked up slightly, a momentary flutter, the only warning he got. Jonathon swung his head towards the source, reaching up and stripping the blood-red cloth away from his face, feeling the fluttering eddies it created in the air. He swept his hair back, pushing the platinum-blonde bangs away from his eyes. And with these eyes he swept a probing gaze around his vicinity, hoping to catch something.

Not to see anything, of course, but to catch something.

Then he smelt it, the faint tang of wildflowers and snow that curled around him. He stopped, grasping the cloth strip lightly in his smooth, gentle palm. All this action had happened in less than a second of hearing the heartbeat change.

But it was too late.

The sound of thunder clapped Jonathon around the ears, making him wince. He’d been so concentrated on letting the other see him that he’d let his hearing go unattended. Nevertheless, the damage was done.

The demon had transported away, the crack of air filling its previously occupied space its final parting gift. But Jonathon curled his lip up in a coy smile. There was another smell layered under the wildflowers and snow.


The demon was getting tired. And Jonathon knew the smell well. Such demons required chasing, and even with the Deadlights infused through him, they managed to continue their activities. However, with the influence of the Deadlights radiating out of him, the task became harder, more energy-consuming.

In the end he always caught up.

In the end they always ran out of energy to flee.

Name: Jonathon Kelly

Age: 23

Alias: Kelly Johns, Deadlight Hollow

Jonathon Kelly was born in Johannesburg, South Africa to a middle-class family. However, he was born with the somewhat rare genetic condition of Klinefelter’s Syndrome. This is a condition in which the male child is born with an extra X set chromosome, resulting in an XXY karyotype. Though this did not significantly impede his development as a young child, it did make him look rather different to the other boys, and he grew knowing that something wasn’t quite right with him, though he and his family had never seen any medical tests to identify what it was. His life always seemed slightly out of kilter, slightly off-balance. He never suffered anything as severe as gender identity crisis, but his boyhood was definitely shaped by a minor degree of girlhood.

In any case, Jonathon grew up as best a middle-class child in South Africa could, spending the first few years of life in an apartheid state. However, this did little to prejudice him, and once apartheid ended, he integrated well with the other children. His mother worked at the local school, while his father served with Médecins Sans Frontiéres in the northern areas of Africa. And like a good little child, Jonathon Kelly lived an enjoyable life, until the age of fourteen. It was when Jonathon was fourteen that a great storm blew into town, at around the same time a man calling himself Robinn Finn swept into village life. He set up a small stall near the school, selling all sorts of curious junk and curiously enough, not asking anything more than a favour in return.

Young Jonathon stepped up to the man hesitantly, turning to look back at his friends. His good friends, all fresh-faced and youthful, just like him. Well… almost like him. Some of them were almost able to start shaving. Jonathon doubted whether he would ever get to a point where he needed to shave. He was fourteen, but looked far younger, ten, maybe eleven at a stretch. A youthful appearance had always been part of his life. Probably always would be. His parents said he would find it to be a blessing later on in life, but for now, he hated it. Really hated it.

“Can I help you, son?”

The sound of the senior man cut into Jonathon’s reverie and he looked back at the man, studying his neatly-trimmed beard, wavy locks and gentle eyes. Frank had been right. This man did look friendly. Like somebody you could trust.

“Yeah… I’m looking… well, actually, just looking, you know?” asked Jonathon brightly, glancing back at his friends more confidently. The man looked over as well, and nodded, a slight smile gracing his lips.

“Your friends put you up to this, come see the man who arrived with the storm? Well, no shame in childish curiosity.”

At this, Jonathon scowled, his eyes growing serious under the few bangs of blonde hair that hung past a suitable fringe length. He wasn’t childish. He was fourteen, for God’s sake. He hated being treated like a kid, especially by old wandering hippies from some bygone era.

“Look, I’m not a kid. I just wanna see what you’ve got here, alright?” snapped Jonathon unabashedly. The man simply nodded, and peered at him for a moment, then reached under his side of the stall with his right hand, sliding it out of the heavy black trench coat he wore. For just a moment Jonathon thought he saw a glint of deep red, before the hand completely disappeared. The man smiled down at him winningly, his grin stretching across his face.

“I have something I believe you might be interested in.”

The “something” that Robinn Finn had mentioned turned out to be a series of genetic case files and all the requisite forms for a full medical check, genetics, blood, the works. All paid for, and requiring only his and his parents’ signature. The cost of this full body check-up, surely at least a grand in any reputable hospital? A mere handshake and the promise of a favour in the future.

In any case, the tests revealed the existence of Jonathon’s chromosomatic condition and a few brutal truths for him. He was sterile. But even worse for a boy just hitting puberty, he was impotent. His sex life was over before it had even begun. So he did what any devastated teenager would do. He locked himself in his room for a week and listened to angsty music. Then he emerged after the week, and searched out Robinn Finn. He was lucky, because he caught the old fellow just as he was about to leave town. There he managed to cut a second deal with Robinn, an amulet of sexual invigoration in return for a second favour, and jokingly, a condition about owning his soul as well. They shook on it and Jonathon returned to his life, to enjoy his newfound sexual energies.

Jonathon was late. He was hurrying along the street, eager to get to the bowling alley, because it was his fifteenth birthday and his friends were waiting. His new friends. He’d made a lot of new friends since he moved to Australia for new educational experiences. He was hanging out with a new crowd. They weren’t quiet Goths, but they weren’t quite gay, but they were incredibly fashionable. They were the prototype slime that would evolve into metrosexual and emo culture in the new millennium. He really liked Australia, it was nice.

“Hello Jonathon,” came a voice from behind him. A familiar voice.

Jonathon spun around and there he was. Robinn Finn, looking the same, wearing the same dusty black coat. Jonathon’s eyes narrowed and his mouth dried up.

“How… how did you find me?” he asked hesitantly. Finn simply nodded serenely.

“It’s time for you to pay your dues, that is all.”

Jonathon turned away, trudging towards the bowling alley in the freshly brewing storm. His pace picked up.

“Jonathon. I need you to do me your first favour,” Finn called out ominously. Jonathon’s pace faltered slightly but he continued on.

“I want you to give your girlfriend a gift. An amulet.”

At this, Jonathon froze cold. He turned back towards the older man, looking up into his warm, smiling face. The smile wasn’t to be seen anywhere in Finn’s eyes.

“I know this game. You gave Frank an amulet to give to his girlfriend. She went mad and killed her family and herself. They put it down to a mental disorder, but… but I think it’s you. You’re some kind of magician and I won’t do it,” declared Jonathon firmly. Finn shrugged nonchalantly and withdrew his scarlet hand from his jacket sleeve.

“So be it.”

And Jonathon fell. He tumbled and fell, through a mysterious gray land, a little like where he’d just been, but not quite. His jumbled mind dredged up something. This was an X Marks The Point. He was dreaming. But it was more than dreaming. He was also here. However, he wasn’t there for long. The ground beneath him opened up and dragged him down, further, further. And below the thin veneer of rational earth that existed in even this strange dreamland was… the Deadlights.

A floating zone filled with brilliant orange-yellow lights, so terrible, so awful that they were beyond human comprehension. Lights was the best the mind could come up with. In the short moments before the full power and horror of the Deadlights shortcircuited Jonathon’s brain and plummeted him into a deep catatonia.

And he slumbered. Dreaming within his dream. But he didn’t die. Not like the others condemned to the Deadlights by Ahaz. Perhaps it was his sexual amulet, perhaps it was his rare karyotype, perhaps it was both or none. Whatever the case, the Deadlights didn’t quite consume him. They imbued him instead, flooding him, taking up residence in that extra chromosome in every single gene in his body. He became empowered by the Deadlights, and crippled by them.

When he awoke from his slumber, he was in hospital, six months after his fateful tumble into the personal punishment of the Midnight Wanderer. And here he discovered his curse. When he awoke, he immediately knew two things were wrong. Firstly, he was blind. Secondly, his mother, watching over him, was ill with grief. The shock of him waking up was enough to put her into a coma. It was only later that he would realize the true severity of the problem. He was connected intricately to the Deadlights, and served as a reflective mirror for them, a way to leak into the physical world. Making eye contact was sure-fire madness and almost sure-fire catatonia for anybody.

His troubles continued until he was approached by the Great Sage and Eminent Magi, Christopher Jahn. Jahn had an inkling of what had happened to Jonathon and took him in, to educate and train him. For the next few years, Jonathon learned to adjust to his new body, primarily his lack of sight and how to compensate for it with other senses. However, Jonathon also learned about the strange effect that the infused Deadlights had on other people. When around normal humans, or those with latent magical energies, such as Great Sage Jahn, there was no problem. But as things scaled up, he found that his presence was more and more debilitating for more and more powerful creatures. His talent was weak against humans of any kind, requiring focus and concentration, but his presence was quite noticeable to any demon or god. And so, with seven years training and the ability to neuter gods, Deadlight Hollow has become a hunter of all things occult and mystic.

Current Status:
Alive and hunting. At the moment, Deadlight Hollow moves in search of Nyarlathotep, to exact revenge. However, he’s also a killer for hire, taking on cases of his choosing.

Deadlight leaned against an ancient crumbling pillar, breathing in softly. The world swirled around him in a dance of aromas, currents and sounds. Here, in the chamber of Yarran-Tul, a deity of death and chaos, such effects were muted, but still present. He could smell it, the reeking stench of sickness. The hoarse coughing and hacking as Yarran-Tul coughed up his own lungs, piece by piece. He’d gazed into the eyes of Deadlight Hollow, and he was ill.

Deadlight stepped out from the pillar, walking slowly and purposefully towards Yarran, his heels clicking softly on the stone floor. As he neared the god, his flesh glowed diffusely, and Yarran collapsed, unable to do anything but groan and shake.

Jonathon looked down at him unseeingly, his eyes blazing with light. He reached out and gently, ever so gently, laid his palm against the god’s chest.

And with a flash of Deadlights and other godly debris, Yarran-Tul had vanished.

Deadlight Hollow stood up, brushed off his hand and tied his cloth back over his eyes.

Powers and Abilities:
Jonathon is fluent in both English and Afrikaans and through seven years of training with Jahn in a great number of things, has honed his combat skills to those of a peak human, utilizing twin handguns quite well, as well as being competent in two martial art forms. He also knows a small array of magic, but has incredible difficulty constructing the perfect squares and circles required to channel his energies for the most part.

As his opponents become more and more powerful, they become more and more affected by Jonathon’s Deadlights. Gods simply cannot stand to be around him, at best feeling sluggish, nauseous and weak. At their worst, they collapse into a paralytic state, unable to defend against Jonathon at all. Worse, his presence tends to sap such mighty beings of their powers, making them mortal and easy prey. As the scale slides back, Jonathon’s influence wanes, though it always affects gods, demons and otherworldly deities more than it does humans. A human such as Archwind might find that near to Jonathon high-explosive armour piercing artillery shells bruise and burn him a bit, as well as scratch him up and give him a bit of a shake around, but are still not all that deadly.

Jonathon’s secondary senses of taste, touch, smell and hearing are honed to incredible levels, probably reinforced somewhat by Stephenson’s magic. He’s able to construct a mental representation of the world around him exceedingly well utilizing these four senses, and with them can notice things that others simply pass over.

Being blind, Jonathon is immediately reliant on his other senses, and this can put him at a disadvantage when there are multiple opponents or if he has never met his target and the man is surrounded by guards. Most people show photos of their targets, but seldom provide a smell to identify the target by. Of course, the other disadvantages of blindness are still there to a degree.

Jonathon is unable to make eye contact with anybody due to his eyes being enough to make people crazy and/or comatose. While this proves to be useful when hunting, it’s a major deterrent to him interacting socially and as such he tends to remain a little aloof and separate from society, afraid to really let himself mingle with everyone else, despite it being what he yearns for.

Additionally, since the effectiveness of his talent is based on how powerful his opponent is, the weaker his opponent the less affected they are. Against regular humans, he has no real advantage, being just another regular human in most respects.

Jonathon’s mentor, Christopher Jahn, is a great friend to him and a wonderful font of advice when he gets depressed about his social hang-ups and such. He’s also a wonderful source of support for most tasks Jonathon is involved in. Conversely, Jonathon hates Firefingers with a passion, and intends to hunt him down and kill him. It’s not known if Firefingers is aware of his vendetta, as he presumed Jonathon dead and soul-slaved to him.
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A Selection of Vagrant's Characters  Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Selection of Vagrant's Characters    A Selection of Vagrant's Characters  EmptyThu Aug 26, 2010 9:46 am

Omega Frost

Alias: Decker Jackson

Age: Unknown

Sometime in the early 2010s a battle erupted between a small group of paraheroes and the forces of Syntel, the alien supercomputer, in an effort to sabotage preparations for an impending alien invasion. The core of this battle took place in Antarctica itself, above and within Syntel’s icy cathedral of technology, the place once known as the Vagrant Arms Development Absolute Zero Research Station. The battle was significant, with many metahumans and science-heroes participating in the engagement against Syntel’s automata and cybernetic soldiers, in a conflict that would, in the end, result in more superhero casualties and more damage to the Earth’s defenses than the actual invasion force could manage. In the midst of this fighting, one hero saw an opportunity to attack the behemoth at the core of this war, the sinister S-Intel itself. Launching a furious attack on it in concert with several other heroes, this one hero would be the only one to survive the ill-fated minor assault.

The wall caved in with a sickening crack, electricity arcing out from it and coursing over the convulsing body. The blue and yellow costume burst into flames as the lightning slid over it, and the body fell to the ground, slumping forward as it smoldered. The charred and twisted gun it had dropped in its death throes jittered suddenly and was yanked forward by an invisible force, to join the barrier of swirling shrapnel that orbited Syntel’s core body, following the magnetic flight paths that Syntel’s processors deemed optimum for the balance of offence and defense. Two heroes charged towards Syntel, one surrounded in green flames, the other clad in a powerful exosuit. A small fragment of an exploded console leapt out from the barrier, piercing the flaming warrior’s eye, cleanly carving it open and spraying blood and brain tissue onto the metal floor. The exosuited hero faltered momentarily at the sight, her eyes twitching towards the gory sight. Suddenly there was a reverberating clang of metal on metal and she gasped, rotating her eyes downwards to stare at the metallic arm that now protruded from her chest, following it back to its source, the coldly-indifferent photoreceptors glinting back at her. Syntel yanked backwards, her beating heart bursting from her chest, along with part of her spinal cord and even the rear panel of her suit, which had been cleanly pierced by Syntel’s wicked metal fingers. The killer machine pivoted as it pulled backwards, to smack the hero who was flying towards it from behind. The metallic plate Syntel held firmly in its grasp slammed with the force of a freight train into the hero’s face, and he spiraled away, momentum and inertia taking over his flight path. There was a colossal shattering noise, as the hero slammed into a huge glass pod, smashing straight through it and into the supercooled liquid within. Exposed to the atmosphere outside its monitored pod, the liquid evaporated, even as the air around the helpless hero froze instantaneously. The hero, trapped within the cocoon of ice, stared sightlessly on as the battle raged on before his very eyes.

Sometime in the future, decades or perhaps centuries after, a research group returned to the scene of the Battle for Absolute Zero, to pick over its scoured remains, and to attempt to excavate the deeper levels of the station, those that had been sealed off and collapsed during the titanic battle. It was in these unexplored levels that they discovered the frozen hero, whom the scientists designated Subject Omega Boost. Upon further inspection of Omega Boost, the scientists were amazed to find that he was actually still alive. Though his heart was beating at an incredibly slow pace, and all higher brain functions appeared to have shut down, Omega was undeniably alive, and so the scientists carved him from the ice and returned him to their laboratory, where they would thaw him out. However, complications arose during the thawing process.

Lights blinked steadily, pulsating with rhythmic regularity across a number of instrument panels, as a far more diffuse dark red light stuttered far more irregularly throughout the room. However, despite being irregular, the pattern of the main light-source was entirely purposeful, controlled by the synthetic intelligence module that ran at the core of the complex. The subject was fragile, and even with the heating program ordered down to the nanosecond, there was no guarantee that the specimen would survive the thawing process intact, or indeed at all. Within the main observation chamber, the scientists anxiously kept their eyes on a multitude of monitors, as assistants scurried about, making sure everything was going as planned. The darkened room looked directly out onto the thawing chamber, where the specimen lay. In the very center of the dimly lit observation chamber, the head scientist stared out of the two-way mirror that covered the entire frontal wall of the room, hands steepled under her chin. The monitor console in front of her currently flashed steady life readings. Steady, but very faint.

Given that the specimen was still alive at this stage of proceedings, the head scientist held a strong suspicion that all would be well. Truly extraordinary, metahumans. No regular human would have survived the impromptu flash-freezing, not outside of a specifically designed cryogenesis pod, and yet this man appeared to be likely to pull through. Her heartbeat quickened involuntarily as she interfaced with the monitor to more personally observe his condition. A man from the early 21st century. This was a prime opportunity to learn many wonders of the past, about what life had been like in that time from the viewpoint of a man who had been there.. Soon, this man would be awakened from his chilled slumber, and they would learn more of the past’s deep secrets, the history of metahumanity. Suddenly alerts began to go off, klaxons sounding as the observation chamber pulsed blue and white with sterile alarm lighting.

In the thawing chamber beyond, the veneer of ice became marred as a white line ran across the portion covering the man’s torso. More snaking, jagged lines began to spiderweb out from the main crack, moments before the ice shattered, spraying shards across the whole room. The pulsating red thaw-lights immediately switched to a new subroutine program, much more consistent and far less threatening to the newly-wakened man. However, if the man noticed the change in lighting, he did not react to it, merely laying on the observation table, his chest moving up and down in time with his shallow breaths. The head scientist unjacked and carefully approached the observation window, pressing her hands up against it. The sight was unexpected, to say the least. Although the monitors had reported that the man was perfectly functional and regular, as far as metahumans went, this was definitely not normal. Rapidly-melting ice formed into water droplets, trickling down his fingers to drip to the floor. Trickling down his pale-blue fingers.

Further testing on Omega Boost revealed some astonishing things to the scientists. His metatalents had apparently adapted to the sub-zero temperatures, absorbing characteristics of this and altering his molecular structure slightly. Aside from the altered pigmentation of his skin, the scientists also discovered that the icy temperatures has also supercooled it, drawing it together and increasing the density of it to significant levels, enhancing the superdurability that Omega’s genome suggested he already sported before freezing. However, the physiological changes were not as important to the scientists as what lay within Omega’s head. As it turned out, snap-freezing doesn’t do much in the way of helping the brain stay in perfect condition. Omega Boost was amnesiac, only able to remember snippets of his life, and as such he was of little value for his original purpose any longer. So Omega was released into civilian life, and took up the identity of Decker Jackson, an insurance agent for Brenner Global Enterprises.

Unfortunately, Decker found his life as an insurance agent to be empty and meaningless, and each night he would dream his dreams, haunted by fragmented memories of being a hero, someone who was admired, someone who meant something to the world, not just another man with a Widenet cranial connection and a cyberbrief loaded up with meaningless documents and files. Given his unique metatalents, Decker went to visit ParaLabs, and here he underwent a series of procedures, designed to augment his already significant physical capabilities. He received a subdermal biokinetic aural net, multi-spectral ocular overlays, an advanced atmospheric filtration system, advanced nanocommunications systems, a zero-point energy module, palm-fitted energy projectors and a wetware cybernet implant that would allow him to store copious amounts of knowledge for easy access. With these formidable technological devices augmenting his own metatalents, Decker retook the mantle of Omega Boost, setting out to reclaim his former glory and heroic fame.

But in a world where such technology was so freely available, and with the continually growing metahuman popularity, Omega was just another blip on the radar to the teeming mass of humanity that inhabited Earth at the time. Down on his luck, and with a fairly hefty bill from ParaLabs still to pay off, Decker was in crisis. He took to studying up on heroes of the past, when it struck his as to what he needed to do. It had been established some time back by eminent scientists that time was essentially immutable, and that it was simply impossible to change time. To this end, Decker came up with a plan, scouring the archives for a suitably famous hero of his own previous life. As it turned out, he did encounter records of a hero known as Frostbite, who was able to manipulate temperatures with ease to freeze opponents. Even better, the man had been quite famous and well-loved. Decker’s plan was simple. Return to the past, perform a heroic act, and become known as Frostbite. Once he was well known as Frostbite, history would have to follow as it should, and it would be guaranteed that he’d be famous. So Decker utilized his heroic skills to flatten the Academy of Chronology and break into the Time Chamber. In actuality, it wasn’t that difficult, since the academics knew that if anyone was supposed to get to the time machine to return to the past, they would, no matter the level of security.

Lightning arced and flashed in the sky as a sphere manifested near the ground, a sphere that appeared to be partially composed of the lightning that surrounded it, and partially of quicksilver. The sphere quickly shrunk, vanishing in a crack of thunder, leaving the man crouched down in the center of the pit that the ball had created. The edges of the pit still glowed dimly, and the slag that coated the pit would have scorched most people, who were generally reduced to ashen skeletons by the time travel in any case. However, Decker’s superdurability had spared him, and he was here, in the past. Or the present. He wasn’t sure if it counted as his original time-frame, given how little he remembered of his time before the thawing. However, it wasn’t his primary concern anyway. For one, he was dizzy from the travel, and had a splitting headache. The fact that he was naked, however, was a slightly bigger concern to him.

Clearly, the Frostbite outfit he’d worn had been vaporized by the time travel process. No matter, he had plenty of time to become famous as Frostbite. He stood up, examining his surroundings. He was in some back alley, somewhere. The light that filtered down the alley from the main street was poor, but that was of no bother to Decker, as the work shifted to an amplified-light view. Looking around, he spotted a body lying beside a dumpster. Stepping closer, he checked it out. The needle was still sticking out of the bastard’s arm. Nausea crept up within him, and his disoriented body felt like it was going to flip upside down. He hesitated a moment to regain his composure and consider the ethical implications of stealing a dead man’s clothes. Unfortunately, that moment passed by far too quickly, as his ocular overlays were suddenly overwhelmed by a flare of light. Switching back to regular spectrums, Decker was astonished to see two policemen shining their flashlights at him. One had his other hand on his gun, while the other simply stared at the naked blue man in front of him.

“Hey! What the hell are you doing! Who are you?” snapped the first police officer smartly.

Decker mused it over in his befuddled mind. This was it, he just had to announce himself as Frostbite, and fame and fortune were his.

“Fro… Boos-what?” he slurred, shaking his head to get it clear. That did the trick, so he drew himself up and proudly declared his name.

“Omega Frost!”

The two policemen stared at him as the silence drew out into seconds, and Decker’s jetlagged mind caught up to his mouth.

“Wait. Damn!”

Current Status:
Alive and being a hero. Kind of. After his moment of fame as Omega Frost the Blue Streak, he managed to convince people that he was a hero, though few were willing to entertain the notion that he was from the future, and fewer were willing to entertain the notion that he was Frostbite. Omega Frost was a lot more catchy, and in the end it stuck. So now Decker fights crime and monsters as Omega Frost, though he still tries to convince people he’s Frostbite. His declaration of his future as a world-famous hero means that many in the hero community see him as arrogant, self-absorbed and a touch crazy as well. Additionally, his ‘auto-biography’ of life in the future garnered him further notoriety as a hero who can’t really be trusted to be honest and straight with you. Even worse, enterprising companies took advantage of the inherent strangeness of Omega Frost to the people at large with a movie deal in the early stages of his career. This caused other heroes to see him as only in the job for money and glory, causing him to become estranged from others in the community. Even worse, the movie tanked. Very badly. Now Omega Frost just fights crime, trying as best he can to scrounge up some glory, or even a little cash, perhaps just a date with a damsel in distress. He can be found working with the League of Destiny part time as well, as Deepfreeze.

Powers and Abilities:
Decker’s inherent metatalents include the ability to fly at transonic speeds, as well as superstrength on the order of fifty tons. However, due to the way his body reacted to the freezing, becoming far more dense, his superstrength has become tenfold, allowing him to handle up to 500 tons with relative ease. The subdermal biokinetic aural net generates a field millimeters from Decker’s skin, and can be extended to the items he holds, in order to allow them to maintain their structural integrity even once he picks them up and subjects them to gravity and the like. The superstrength allows Decker to make incredible leaps, and grants him a degree of superspeed, along the lines of 100 kph, though it is simply far faster for him to fly everywhere. Enhanced reflexes are also part of the package. Decker also naturally has a high degree of stamina, able to continue operating at peak levels for extended periods of time.

His flash-freezing experience seems to have bestowed some cold talents upon Decker, with him able to lower the temperature of his immediate vicinity, or to focus it further and snap-freeze objects, or just the air around an object to imprison it. Through his manipulation, it can be made to snow or even hail, and Decker has become skilled at forming shards of ice from moisture in the air to throw or use otherwise. This also leaves him immune to cold temperatures himself, and also very resistant to high temperatures, as he is able to cool the atmosphere around him to comfortable levels. The cold freezing process has also enhanced his durability to very high levels, perhaps half the durability of Definativeguy.

Decker’s multi-spectrum ocular implants have a variety of uses, from IR scanning, to a form of radar/X-ray, to targeting and sensory data overlays. They can also zoom and generally adjust automatically to bright or dim lighting. The internal filtration system that lines Decker’s lungs with a nanofilm prevents him from being impeded by airborn toxins, smoke or the like, and allow a single breath of air to last him up to twenty minutes through microscopic rebreather technology. His nanocomms are far in advance of what exists on Earth at the current time, and so he can break through almost any encoding or security to monitor other communication systems, such as CONAN or standard radios. By linking his nanocomms to satellites, Decker is able to communicate with people around the world, as well as download data to his wetware implant, from terminals he is jacked into, or from accessible networks. His wetware implant used to store the history of the 21st century within his mind, but the lightning that resulted from the time-travel seemingly erased this data, conserving the timeline. Now Decker uses it to store all sorts of information, as the coin-sized chip has incredible amounts of space on it, given its link to Decker’s own brain. Unfortunately, without the infrastructure to support it, the wetware cannot access the Internet wirelessly unless a broadcasting terminal is at close range, but Decker tends to log in via his mobile phone to allow the wetware to do its work. Finally, built into each palm is a small energy projector powered by the zero-point energy module in his chest. These allow Decker to fire potent beams of energy with variable settings controlled by the wetware implant, from low-powered stun settings, or ones designed to heat a cup of tea, up to a powerful paired blast that can stop all but the toughest of foes.

Omega Frost’s ‘base of operations’, which is really little more than a regular house, is located in Sydney, Australia, but he can and does operate all around the world, forming acquaintances with many heroes and villains. However, acquaintances is about the best it gets generally, given that most find him to be insufferably smug, totally blind and disgustingly optimistic about his own future, and concerned more with looks and money than actually doing any good. The bigger, more important heroes generally consider him little more than an annoyance that will occasionally do some good, but more often than not just spoil things somehow. Decker’s only truly consistent foe is Firestorm, who is able to match his ice with fire, but he’s fought plenty of others, made plenty of minor enemies, and generally isn’t really liked by all that many people.

As it is, he gets along okay with the others in the League, but even though they’re a bunch of arrogant, self-absorbed dickwads, even they find he can be a bit too much to handle at some times. So even though he’s a significantly powerful force within the league, he doesn’t get dispatched on missions very often. He does have one enemy though, in the form of Syntel, who has become aware of Omega Frost’s knowledge of his secret technological citadel, and his possible knowledge of Syntel’s masterful chessgames utilizing humanity as the pawns. Fortunately for Omega, nobody’s cared enough about his story for much more of it to get into the media than the fact that he’s a time traveler, so Syntel hasn’t attempted to eliminate him yet.
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PostSubject: Re: A Selection of Vagrant's Characters    A Selection of Vagrant's Characters  EmptyThu Aug 26, 2010 11:01 am


Real Name: David Warwick

Age: 32

David Warwick was born in New York, and grew up in New York, in the mid eighties. However, his metatalent manifested itself at a young age, with David rapidly becoming incredibly heavy as well as becoming obese without even eating much of anything. As it turned out, his metatalent emerged early, in a strange form of superdurability. His flesh, incredibly dense, at its current obese thickness, made Warwick invulnerable to all everyday things, as proven when he was struck by a log-truck and left unharmed. His weight was immense, and continued to increase, until he passed the one-ton mark before the age of five. Given his weight, David became unable to move up stairs, or lifts, and couldn’t really travel in vehicles either, due to weight capacities and structural strain. Because of this, he had to walk everywhere, and grew used to carrying around his own weight. However, he never grew used to the taunts and bullying directed his way by other children, and since he couldn’t move much, he was an easy target for bullies. Luckily his superdurability prevented him from being unduly harmed, but nevertheless, they were bad years for young David.

However, at the age of nine, David was given a set of ‘float-boots’ by ParaLabs in an initiative to help metahumans, which reduced his exerted weight upon the ground to that of a regular human, while standing or sitting. He himself maintained his huge weight, but after three or four years of limited mobility, he could finally move around. It was around this time that ParaLabs revealed that his physical makeup showed a capacity to rapidly gain and lose weight, and he was taken in to see what could be made of his talent. After another six years of research, ParaLabs formulated two pills for David. The first allowed him to shed his excess weight almost instantly, granting him superstrength but lessening his capacity for damage absorption, and a second pill to revert his back to his obese form, with large amounts of nutrient concentrates and the like.

Finally, at the age of fifteen, David was free of his cursed weight, and he had some bones to pick with particular kids. An aggressive child with years of pent-up anger combined with superstrength was not a pretty sight. Two New York blocks were torn up by him before he was brought under control, and given a rehabilitation opportunity with a ‘Deadsquad’, a unit of reformed supercriminals. It was during this time that he took on the moniker Morbos, and began to realize the potential in his transformative pills.

For another four years, Morbos served with the Deadsquad, until his criminal sentence was served out and he was released back into society. Upon his release, Morbos fled to Blackthorne City to become a supercriminal, and located some criminal labs to continue to produce his pills for him. In addition, the research company Vagrant Arms Development began working on a new type of pill, in order to allow him to access a third form. Soon after his twentieth birthday, the pill was complete, granting Morbos a good range of skills, and making him a highly adaptable supercriminal for Big Fatso’s crime ring.

Current Status:
Alive. He works with Big Fatso’s ring, as one of the junior up-and-coming henchmen, and tends to be applied for a number of tasks, given his adaptable skills. He tends to eat whatever he wants, since he can lose the weight with his pills, and this great gusto for food pleases Big Fatso.

Power and Abilities:
Morbos’ flesh has a far higher proportionate density than regular flesh, as well as increased malleability, meaning that when in his obese form, Armor Gear, Morbos is invulnerable to just about all damage, able to weather the toughest of superhuman blows and the greatest of weapons. In truth, Morbus believes he could probably survive a nuclear blast. His weight is also a great asset, as he weighs roughly 120 tons, and can’t generally be moved against his will. Though this is his natural form and can be regained from other forms by eating vast amounts of food, Morbos can also regain this form through the use of his Type B pills, which act much faster.

When Morbos takes his Type A pill, he transforms, expelling the vast majority of his fleshy mass as a few thousand little particles, which tumble to the ground, weighing around 50 kilograms each. In his Power Gear form, Morbos has the body structure of a lean but muscular man, and without having to carry his own weight around, is able to utilize that superstrength to lift weights up to 200 tons, and toss them fairly easily. In this Gear, given his strengthened legs, Morbos is able to jump incredible distances and run at speeds approaching 90 kilometres an hour, and because of the density of his flesh, is unable to be harmed by smallarms fire and minor explosions and the like, requiring a high-velocity rifle with armour-piercing rounds from nearly point-blank to successfully injure him in the slightest.

The Type C pill allows Morbos to alter the density of his body and take the Turbo Gear form. When this is taken, all the excess flesh is dumped from Morbos’ body like shedding skin, and having such a low density tends to scatter and blow away in the wind. This happens even when Morbos moves from Power Gear to Turbo Gear, as the reduction in density means that the rest of that density is expelled in this manner. While in his Turbo Gear mode, Morbos becomes insanely fast, able to run at speeds so fast that sonic booms don’t even occur, and to most people appears to disappear into a blur. It’s estimated this speed must be at least Mach 20 by some scientists, and believed to be much higher by others. In this state, Morbos is able to ‘tunnel’ through solid matter, maintaining a steady velocity through anything solid in the same direction he was moving when he started ‘tunneling’, making him able to pass through walls and the like, without even harming that matter. If he decides to run slow enough, Morbos is actually able to batter the environment with ground-level micro sonic booms.

Each of Morbos’ Gears sports its own unique weaknesses, which must be weighed up against his particular talents when in those Gear forms. While in his Armor Gear form, Morbos is no stronger or faster than a regular man, and relies on his special ‘float-boots’ to prevent him from collapsing through many surfaces.

In his Power Gear form, Morbos loses significant levels of his durability, and his reflexes remain the same as a normal man’s would be, and given his natural form, Morbos tends to overestimate the amount of damage he can withstand in this form. In addition, Morbos still weighs on the scales as roughly a ton, and still utilises the float-boots, but to a lesser degree.

In the Turbo Gear form, despite sporting sharpened reflexes, Morbos is no stronger than any regular man, and about as durable as a regular human as well, which tend to be key weaknesses if his speed is somehow undermined. In addition, his biological systems aren’t designed for such a style of combat, and so he can only maintain his Turbo Gear form at full efficiency for around twenty minutes before his talents drop sharply.

In all cases, Morbos relies on his pills for form switching, and the transformation process takes around ten or fifteen seconds, during which time he tends to be at his most vulnerable, and for a short time after may be disoriented with his new body capabilities.

On good terms with Big Fatso and his crime syndicate, Morbos is generally downright nasty to everybody else, moreso to other criminal toughguys than superheroes.
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PostSubject: Re: A Selection of Vagrant's Characters    A Selection of Vagrant's Characters  EmptyThu Aug 26, 2010 6:05 pm

Baron Engel von Emmerich

Age: 62

Baron Engel von Emmerich was born in 1947, into one of the few remaining truly rich German families. As a child, he was sent to the finest boarding schools in Europe, causing his accent to develop into a rather strange hybrid of German, Polish, English and French, which has survived through to this very day. Living most of his childhood in schools, von Emmerich became a very proper young boy, a prefect and eventually the head boy of his boarding school when he was in his late teens. At school he learned such wonderful things as croquet, polo, and the boyish adventures of youth.

However, Emmerich became somewhat bored with aristocrat life at times, as beastly as that may sound, and so he researched the old war, the one that had placed his country through a terrible depression. The period of history and technological development intrigued him, one invention in particular. The Zeppelin. It fascinated him endlessly. There were other things that interested him as a teenager of course. Often he would spend hours alone in his room with a model magazine, tool in one hand, tightening his little nuts. Oh yes, he had an entire room filled with model airships, submarines and trains.

In any case, as Emmerich grew older, he took up ventures more ‘aristocratic’ in nature, becoming incredibly knowledgeable about banking and finances. He was quite a successful banker in the Pan-European region, and it was for this reason that in 1973, a council of powerful men approached him, requesting his financing services for a new organization that was to begin. Ever a sharp eye on the demands of tomorrow, Emmerich saw the potential of the idea, and signed up. He was the first banker for the Pandora Corporation, and has had contacts ever since.

Throughout his lifetime, Baron Engel von Emmerich rose to become a prominent member of the aristocratic class, quickly accumulating wealth, as did all the founders of the Pandora Corporation. With his share of the money, Baron Engel von Emmerich was quick to purchase a small war-torn country whose government had gone bankrupt in Eastern Europe, and surrounding land borders shared with other war-town nations that were in desperate need of finances. With a little political assistance from his contacts, Baron von Emmerich founded the small timocratic nation of Galude on the land he had purchased, exiling the original citizens of the almost-forgotten nation. With a few nice castles, an international banking system to rival Switzerland and all-around cutting-edge technology and support from the Pandora Corporation, Galude quickly became a thriving little nation, home to many training centres for Pandora employees and the facilities that build the technology for Pandora.

It was in 1988 that Baron Engel von Emmerich indulged his childhood fantasy by constructing a rigid-frame airship, using the most magnificent technology of the late eighties to create the Galude Whim, a 255-meter-long aircraft capable of supporting up to thirty people in luxurious surrounds. Making this his floating flagship, the Baron began to travel the world in the Galude Whim, mixing with the high fliers of Earth, conveniently often at a high altitude. Now, it was no secret that Baron Engel von Emmerich was a man who loved his treasures, and the walls of the Galude Whim were covered in rare and priceless art. So it’s not really all that surprising that he turned to hiring people to become art thieves for him, as well as ‘antique liberators’. Since 1990, Baron Engel von Emmerich has built up a fine collection of art and priceless antiques in his various castles, and now he carries his most priceless pieces in his new flagship, the Angelsworn.

Though he has had many investments in significant businesses and corporations worldwide, his most well known business venture started in 1994, when the Baron purchased the obsolete Zeppelin GmbH, which was once the most world-renowned airship producer in the world. Though many labelled the idea absurd, believing that the age of the airship had long since passed, there were others who believed that the British Empire’s military airships proved that such vessels could be viable. And when the Zeppelin company grew vastly under the Baron’s direction, his detractors soon faded from sight. Zeppelin has become the Baron’s banner corporation, and his love of airships personally is well-known across the world.

In the new century, the Baron has delved into the area of telecommunications and data research-development, and has recently purchased a series of hotels and casinos worldwide.

Current Status:
Alive. Quite comfortably affiliated with Pandora, he takes time out from running his timocratic nation to fly around into international waters to stage poker games for all manner of important people, from super villains to superheroes and all manner of in-betweeners. He’s pretty much non-combative, being far too busy running the financial side of multiple huge businesses and keeping Galude nice.

Power and Abilities:
A completely ordinary and slightly weak man just over the age of sixty, Baron Engel von Emmerich has no amazing talents, but as an aristocrat is well versed in rapier combat and pistol duelling. He’s also an incredibly skilled gambler, and if it weren’t for the fact that genetics tests have come up negative for metagenes, one might believe Emmerich has a metatalent for predicting the future. It would certainly explain his success in gambling and business ventures, but alas this is not the case.

He’s a weak, aristocratic banker. But he does have simply superb body posture.

Baron Engel von Emmerich is about as tight with the upper echelons of Pandora as you can get, and has a hugely successful working relationship with them. He’s also on good terms with most leaders of the world, and even with many heroes and villains, being overall quite a likeable character. There’s not really anybody who hates him, except the requisite Galude underground rebellion movement, composed of one drunk man with a stick.

Zeppelin Airship Technology GmbH

In 1994, an enterprising financial banker and investor for the Pandora Corporation, Baron Engel von Emmerich, set about purchasing Zeppelin Airship Technologies GmbH. The Baron revived the old airship company Zeppelin, planning to engage once more in airship construction. A man of great business savvy, Baron von Emmerich was ridiculed for purchasing a company with a mind towards designing obsolete vessels, and became a worldwide joke in the business industry. However, things changed for Zeppelin in 1995, when fusion reactors became viable, and soon replaced most existing fission reactors worldwide. A convenient product of these fusion reactors was helium, abundant supplies of it, which had been predicted by von Emmerich at the time he purchased Zeppelin, in a stroke of genius foresight.

Another little bit of forethought by von Emmerich came true in late 1997, with oil supplies starting to run lower. Cleaner, easily produced replacements for oil became commonplace, the most common of these being biodiesel. However, biodiesel was shown to increase chances of engine failure slightly, and for most machines, this was of little concern, since it was far cheaper than regular fuel. However, for airplanes, any increase in the likelihood of engine failure would be disastrous. Because of this, airports had to continue to buy fuel, which was steadily increasing in price. Zeppelins, on the other hand, were quite readily able to function on biodiesel, and far less of it than planes would ever require.

The first Zeppelin NT (Neue Technologie) was produced in 1999, just as two major issues became worldwide. Climate change and Y2K. The first issue had a major impact on aerial transport, as overall, aerial vessels of the late 20th century were contributing to climate change with carbon emissions quite heavily. Running on biodiesel and helium, the Zeppelin would not contribute to global warming at all, and environmental politicians quickly became proponents of the zeppelin, as the Pandora Corporation began a major scare campaign about global warming for the Baron. In addition, modern planes relied on complex computer systems and the like, and fears of Y2K meant that aerial computer systems would have to be overhauled, and planes grounded over the New Year’s period for the very least, costing many millions, or even billions of dollars to big companies. Zeppelins, being simpler than planes, didn’t face these issues. In the end, it was probably the Pandora Corporation who pushed the fear of Y2K as well, at least partially for the benefit of the Baron.

Because of these facts, sales for Zeppelins took off. Though never going to replace airplanes for quick long-distance transport, Zeppelins were far cheaper, more aesthetically and romantically appealing, more luxurious and could be used to conveniently transport cargo and the like, and so soon found a reasonably sized sector of the aerial vessel market to expand into. Zeppelin went into construction of multiple types of NTs, from small semi-rigids to massive 400 meter long rigid carriers. With the advent of lighter, more durable materials and better technology, zeppelins soon became quite the popular air vessel, and entirely monopolized by the Baron.

In 2003, the next big thing for zeppelins came with the invention of nano-monitored solar paint. By painting the vast envelopes of the zeppelins in such paints, energy costs of the zeppelins could be reduced even further, making them even more environmental and cheap to operate. Further, with the new magnesser technology available, zeppelins could hold far greater weights than those giants of old, and could hover quite easily. With thrust vectoring engines, zeppelins became quite maneuverable, in a slow, ponderous sort of way, and the fastest of them was able to achieve speeds of 250 km/h.

Zeppelin has since continued to grow, expanding the range and size of its airships, as well as currently negotiating for a lucrative contract with the British Empire in the construction and maintenance of new military airships. By combining the Cavorite armoring of the traditional British airbattleship with the latest technologies and advancements developed by Zeppelin the most modern of the military air dreadnoughts would be something to be feared even in the world of supersonic jets. The mere knowledge that Zeppelin is in negotiation for contracts with the British Empire have boosted the share value of Zeppelin GmbH noticeably, and it has gained a larger slice of the aeronautical market. Additionally, it is believed that given the Baron's own nationality it is only a matter of time before intense negotiations begin with Germany for contracting of the airships its own military controls. In fact, Zeppelin has done remarkably well and intends to produce a special 10th Anniversary Zeppelin NT to commemorate the decade since the production of the first true next-generation Zeppelin airship.

Zeppelin now has construction and research facilities about the world, and has produced several thousand zeppelins for various purposes. Security around the Zeppelin Airship Technology facilities tends to be maintained by Pandora hirelings who are very competent and well-trained, and Zeppelin maintains good relations with the Pandora Corporation on the whole.
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PostSubject: Re: A Selection of Vagrant's Characters    A Selection of Vagrant's Characters  EmptyThu Aug 26, 2010 6:21 pm

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A Selection of Vagrant's Characters  Empty
PostSubject: How I see him????   A Selection of Vagrant's Characters  EmptySun Jan 01, 2023 9:09 am

Vagrant wrote:

Real Name: James Whitlam

Age: 77

Origins: James was born in 1932, during the middle of the Great Depression, and spent his formative years living in a slum in Franklin, Wisconsin. Well, one of them. There are six Franklins in Wisconsin, but it’s unknown which one he hails from. In any case, the town he grew up in struggled through the difficult times, but together the townsfolk managed to survive through to the end of the Depression and the outbreak of World War II in 1939. It was just as the war was winding down that James’ talents were unlocked by a wayward meteorite impact, which flattened an area just a quarter of a mile south of the Whitlam family home. Unfortunately the meteor had struck a significant dam in the area, and almost all the water in the dam was vaporized and billowed along the ground, slipping through the walls of the Whitlam family homestead, layered with the toxins dredged up from the bottom of the dam and the vaporized elements of the space-rock.

James was the only one at home at the time, and the acrid, scorching steam activated the dormant paragenes of the young boy, unlocking an array of talents. Throughout the next five years, James worked on developing his talents, honing them and learning to deal with the newly-emerging ones, until in 1950 he decided to serve his country to the best of his abilities, donning a highly patriotic costume and naming himself Ultravox, Defender of America. Historians consider Ultravox to be one of the first truly national superheroes, a symbol of all the reasons to be patriotic and proud. He dealt with supervillains, with nuclear threats, and even with a few alien incidents, incredibly rare happenings at the time. However, it was in the sixties that things started to go downhill for Ultravox.

James had always had quite a forceful personality, and was never one to ignore his wants and needs. In fact, he could be a little hotheaded at times, and eventually Ultravox garnered a number of smears on his reputation, such as excessive violence once a foe had been subdued, womanizing and strongly associating himself with the traditionalists as ‘those filthy niggers’ became more vocal in their protests about equality. Eventually, scandal erupted in the early seventies when Ultravox was found to be engaged in a secret homosexual relationship with the then Vice-President, who later resigned after the discovery.

After this incident, with his wholesome apple-pie image completely ruined, Ultravox became outshone by the new boy on the block, an emerging hero by the name of Astro-Man. Though with incredibly similar talents, and somewhat less powerful than Ultravox at this point in history, Astro-Man was the ideal poster boy for American families at the time, and soon overshadowed Ultravox, who slinked away to nurse his wounded pride. James became spiteful towards the young hero for talking his spotlight, and eventually became deeply bitter and resentful, until in 1994 he threw away his persona as Ultravox and proposed a new idea to several other less well-looked-upon heroes, to form a group called the League of Destiny. A place where heroes could be themselves away from the public eye, and if they so wished, reinvent themselves. So that’s just what James did.

Definativeguy was the result of James’ slate cleaning, a new hero with a new costume and no bad reputation. Definativeguy managed to gain a modicum of popularity worldwide, but having talents similar to those of Astro-Man, James in his new persona has continued to be relegated to second-best and rather ho-hum. Becoming increasingly more bitter, coarse and assholish, James hasn’t aged all that gracefully, and has lost a significant slice of his paratalents, along with a far more significant slice of his youthful, efficient, working mind.

Current Status:
Alive and somewhat senile. Since he clearly can’t outdo Astro-Man in almost any fashion, Definativeguy has invested most of his time, energy and funds into continuing to lead the League of Destiny, which under his singular leadership has become only a shadow of its former self.

Power and Abilities:
As he is, Definativeguy has the basic outline of superpowers for a high-level meta. Vastly strong, Definativeguy is able to lift some ten thousand or more tons, and can survive pretty much anything, including a point-blank nuclear explosion. His ground speed is incredible, able to push to speeds approaching Mach 50 for brief periods of time, and he is able to fly at a far more poky Mach 1.2, at the high end of the transonic scale. His maximum altitude is in the upper stratosphere, and he is highly resistant to both heat and cold. He’s also able to function with greatly reduced oxygen rates, both in the higher atmosphere and underwater.

Definativeguy has a vast trove of experience with super combat, though a lot of it is from simpler times. Not altogether that smart, Definativeguy has, nonetheless, seen a lot of things and when he’s in the right state of mind can be a valuable strategic and tactical support for other heroes in the League.

Definativeguy is a complete *******, and tends to enjoy taunting his opponents and toying with them, which can result in mishaps. In addition, he’s also quite old, and world weariness is an increasingly more common aspect of his life, where he simply has to slow down and try to keep up with what’s going on around him. In the worst cases of senility, Definativeguy’s vocabulary shrinks to just one word and he tends to just amble along behind whichever hero is kind-hearted enough to see him along his merry way.

James Whitlam isn’t entirely sure, but he has a feeling that with all the Mexican prostitutes he slept with in his younger years, he must have some children around somewhere, and quite possibly grandchildren as well. For a while, James became convinced Astro-Man was a son or nephew to him, but has since dropped the theory and resumed his bitterness about fading from the limelight. Definativeguy has workable relationships with Crowtalon, Worldhopper and many other heroes who have since left the League, and tends to have a slightly less workable relationship with the heroes currently in the League, a bunch of damn rookies and new-age hippies who love niggers, towel-heads and gooks. He used to have a rivalry with the Communist Manifester, but that’s more of a routine activity for them now, clashing every now and again for the good of whichever principle they support.

This is how I see him🙂:
A Selection of Vagrant's Characters  Defina10
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