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 Titles from Gallant Comics featuring PD Characters

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Age : 57
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Titles from Gallant Comics featuring PD Characters Empty
PostSubject: Titles from Gallant Comics featuring PD Characters   Titles from Gallant Comics featuring PD Characters EmptySun Jul 28, 2013 4:03 pm

Recently I ordered two issues from Gallant Comics via Indy Planet. I saw a couple of preview samples of the cover and interior art and was impressed.

I recommend these comics. They feature the PD characters Amazing Man, Dr. Vampire, Dan Garrett as Blue Beetle and Miss Masque if I recall correctly. The villain was a Jack Kirby character who somehow became PD, Horace Googer and the creatures known as the Spartoi. There are other regular PD and Cryptozoological type characters.

The art is great, superbly drawn by Steven Butler with great colors by Barry Gregory. The script was by Barry Gregory. I have Issues 1 and 2. I contacted someone claiming to be Steven Butler on Facebook today and he said that there were more issues planned, possibly if they could put out 2 a year. I really would like to see more than that.

The Gallant Comics' website doesn't appear to be running and again, the person I chatted with claimed to be Steven Butler but I am not certain if it was him as he seemed a bit vague.

Regardless, just thought I'd pass this along to anyone interested.

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Lantern Jaw

Lantern Jaw

Posts : 29
Join date : 2013-07-27

Titles from Gallant Comics featuring PD Characters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Titles from Gallant Comics featuring PD Characters   Titles from Gallant Comics featuring PD Characters EmptyMon Jul 29, 2013 12:14 pm

The Gallant Comics thing is pretty cool. I

Like the Amazing Man comic.
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Titles from Gallant Comics featuring PD Characters
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