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 Comic books Of My Own

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golden dude

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Join date : 2010-08-24

Comic books Of My Own Empty
PostSubject: Comic books Of My Own   Comic books Of My Own EmptySun Aug 29, 2010 2:03 am

I Would like to write
and draw my own comic
books featuring
free universe characters,
I Think it's a good idea.
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Age : 57
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Comic books Of My Own Empty
PostSubject: Re: Comic books Of My Own   Comic books Of My Own EmptyMon Sep 20, 2010 11:44 am

@golden dude: I believe that's what this site is about. Not just discussing the Public Domain characters but to encourage potential comic book writers and artists to use them to possibly create a comic book or similar material.

Hope you pursue it. If you do something, would like to see what you have done. Good luck!
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golden dude

Posts : 25
Join date : 2010-08-24

Comic books Of My Own Empty
PostSubject: Re: Comic books Of My Own   Comic books Of My Own EmptyTue Sep 21, 2010 4:11 am

PhantomofDoom wrote:
@golden dude: I believe that's what this site is about. Not just discussing the Public Domain characters but to encourage potential comic book writers and artists to use them to possibly create a comic book or similar material.

Hope you pursue it. If you do something, would like to see what you have done. Good luck!
Thanks,only one question:should i do costume redesigned versions of the public domain golden age characters?,
or leave them in their classic forms?
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Age : 57
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Comic books Of My Own Empty
PostSubject: Re: Comic books Of My Own   Comic books Of My Own EmptyTue Sep 21, 2010 6:31 am

@golden dude: My understanding is that you can create WHATEVER design you'd like! That's the beauty of it all. You can change an evil character to a good one, a male to a female, add to the name in some way ( provided it doesn't exist in another comic book ), and generally have free rein with your creations.

An example would be in the Artist section where I posted a quick sketch of my version of what I think FIREHAIR could look like.

I know there are some characters that are "Public Domain" but only if they are used as reprints or set in certain time periods as the original comics were. Honestly, these are too contentious for me to mess with so I just leave them alone to avoid any possible problems despite my desire to do differently.

I am certain someone else will give you more input but this is my understanding.

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golden dude

Posts : 25
Join date : 2010-08-24

Comic books Of My Own Empty
PostSubject: Re: Comic books Of My Own   Comic books Of My Own EmptyTue Sep 21, 2010 6:41 am

PhantomofDoom wrote:
@golden dude: My understanding is that you can create WHATEVER design you'd like! That's the beauty of it all. You can change an evil character to a good one, a male to a female, add to the name in some way ( provided it doesn't exist in another comic book ), and generally have free rein with your creations.

An example would be in the Artist section where I posted a quick sketch of my version of what I think FIREHAIR could look like.

I know there are some characters that are "Public Domain" but only if they are used as reprints or set in certain time periods as the original comics were. Honestly, these are too contentious for me to mess with so I just leave them alone to avoid any possible problems despite my desire to do differently.

I am certain someone else will give you more input but this is my understanding.
ok,thank you.
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PostSubject: Re: Comic books Of My Own   Comic books Of My Own EmptyTue Sep 21, 2010 4:01 pm

There is definitely not any law that would restrict your ability to put a public domain character in a completely different setting...modern setting future setting, or whatever. As long as your story isn't too much of a rip off of another copyrighted story, the setting can be any time or place you wish. Heck, in comics, you can pretty much rip off copyrighted stories anyway, as long as it's slightly different.

There are only a few instances where you can reprint stories featuring a certain character, but you can't use the character itself. I think the old Superman cartoons/radio shows and the old Captain Marvel and Green Hornet comics would be examples of works you may be able to reprint, but you can't create derivative works of any of the characters that were copyrighted in an earlier work. Yeah, those characters, I wouldn't touch.

Golden, you are free to use the characters as they are or completely change them. It's up to you and what you want to do with them.

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PostSubject: Re: Comic books Of My Own   Comic books Of My Own Empty

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