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 Assorted artists revamping PD characters in a contest!

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Assorted artists revamping PD characters in a contest! Empty
PostSubject: Assorted artists revamping PD characters in a contest!   Assorted artists revamping PD characters in a contest! EmptyWed Aug 31, 2011 1:19 pm

As it was deemed acceptable for me to mention this site here, Comic Vine.Com, I want to forward anyone who may have an interest in art involving PD characters.

I am a regular contributor to the site and I started a new contest on the site called "Round Robin". It will take time to explain but a user on the site proposed the first contest involve artists doing their renditions of PD characters. It was well received and in fact, the voting starts tomorrow August 31st for the contest.

If you want to check it out, please go to Comic Vine.Com and click on FORUMS. You will see Artist Showoff under Forums. If you scroll down a little you will see "Round Robin". My username is Decept-O and there is a picture of a skull with burning eyes as my Avatar.

Quite a few artists joined in it.

I did one of The Clock, changing him to a time traveling gynoid. Hope you guys have time to check it out.

Tried uploading an image here but no dice. Too tired right now to try again, maybe later. Thanks.
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Assorted artists revamping PD characters in a contest! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assorted artists revamping PD characters in a contest!   Assorted artists revamping PD characters in a contest! EmptyWed Aug 31, 2011 4:21 pm

You should post a direct link to make it easy for everyone. I'd do it myself but, it's difficult from my phone...
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Thunder Lad

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Assorted artists revamping PD characters in a contest! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assorted artists revamping PD characters in a contest!   Assorted artists revamping PD characters in a contest! EmptyThu Sep 01, 2011 8:01 am

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Florian R. Guillon

Florian R. Guillon

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Age : 39

Assorted artists revamping PD characters in a contest! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assorted artists revamping PD characters in a contest!   Assorted artists revamping PD characters in a contest! EmptySun Dec 11, 2011 7:07 am

Many interesting interpretations there. But The Clock... So far from the original but really beautiful. She looks a bit like Maria's robot duplicate from Metropolis but that's no bad reference at all. I love it - and want to use it now! Wink
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Assorted artists revamping PD characters in a contest! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assorted artists revamping PD characters in a contest!   Assorted artists revamping PD characters in a contest! Empty

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Assorted artists revamping PD characters in a contest!
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